International management

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The International Management (synonym: International Management , in short: IM ) is a part of Business Administration and is concerned with the managing of the special features of cross-border (international) business activity in general and the leadership International business in particular.

International management tasks

The need for conscious international management arises from the heterogenization of the environments that are relevant for corporate decision-makers. This is reflected in an increased management complexity, the integrative handling of which can be described as a core task of international management. The main task is the coordinative, weighing inclusion of the socio-economic data of all regions processed by the international company. There are large overlaps with intercultural management and strategic management .

Object of international management

The international company is the object of international management . This is defined as an economically active company across national borders on a regular and non-negligible basis (strategic importance). This understanding of the term encompasses both larger and smaller companies. In addition, it differs fundamentally from the concept of the " multinational company " (MNE), which - by definition - is based on direct investments abroad. Multinational companies therefore form a subset of international companies. The term international company is broader to the effect that companies that are also active internationally without foreign direct investment, on the basis of international cooperation agreements such as licensing and franchising or purely on the basis of extensive export activities.

The above concept of international companies and multinational companies should not be confused with that of Bartlett and Ghoshal . The four basic types of international companies , multinational companies , global companies and transnational companies are all international companies as defined above.

education and study

International management is offered as an optional subject in business administration studies at many universities. There are also some dedicated courses. They typically combine an undergraduate degree in business administration with international references, often with a focus on specific cultural areas such as B. China , Eastern Europe , Scandinavia or South America in the form of so-called area studies, for which the corresponding language skills are also taught. A stay abroad is often compulsory.

Some offers also offer double degrees, in which, as part of an integrated study program, a degree from a foreign partner university can be obtained in addition to the German Bachelor or Master. One example of this is the International Management course with a Danish focus, which is offered by the European University of Flensburg in cooperation with the Syddansk Universitet . The course takes place alternately on a daily basis in Flensburg and in Sønderborg , around 40 kilometers away , and concludes with a German Bachelor of Arts in International Management and a Danish Bachelor of Science in International Business Administration and Foreign Languages.

Studying at universities:


  • D. Holtbrügge, MK Welge: International Management: Theories, Functions, Case Studies. 6th edition. Stuttgart 2015, ISBN 978-3-7910-3407-2 .
  • M. Kutschker, S. Schmid: International Management. 7th edition. Munich 2011, ISBN 978-3-486-59713-4 .
  • M. Perlitz, R. Cabinet: International Management. 6th edition. Stuttgart 2013, ISBN 978-3-8252-8481-7 .
  • A. Söllner: Introduction to International Management: An Institutional Economics Perspective. Wiesbaden 2008, ISBN 978-3-8349-0404-1 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ JH Dunning: Multinational Enterprises and the Global Economy. 2nd Edition. Wokingham et al. 1993, ISBN 0-201-17530-4 , p. 3.
  2. International Management. Europa-Universität Flensburg, September 5, 2019, accessed on November 13, 2019 .