International Park Unteres Odertal

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The 117,274 hectare German-Polish International Park Lower Oder Valley ( Międzynarodowy Park Dolina Dolnej Odry ) is located in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship and the State of Brandenburg , northwest of Mieszkowice (Bärwalde) and south of Stettin ( Szczecin ), along the Lower Oder.

Polder meadows between Krajnik Dolny (left) and Schwedt (right)
The International Park Unteres Odertal


On May 7, 1992 , the Environment Ministers of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Republic of Poland and the State of Brandenburg as well as the Vojwode of Stettin signed a joint declaration in which they expressed their will to create a cross-border protected area in the lower Oder valley in accordance with the criteria of the IUCN ( International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources ). With the resolution of the German-Polish Environmental Council of December 11, 1992, the name of this cross-border protected area was determined to be International Park Unteres Odertal and a German-Polish program council was created to jointly coordinate the development of the protected area. This program council usually meets once a year.

In accordance with the resolution of the German-Polish Environmental Council, the core area of ​​the park is formed by the Polish landscape protection park Unteres Odertal ( Park Krajobrazowy Dolina Dolnej Odry ), founded in 1993, and the German National Park Unteres Oderertal, founded in 1995 ( Park Narodowy Dolina Dolnej Odry ). In addition, the Zehden landscape protection park ( Cedynski Park Krajobrazowy ) and the landscape protection area National Park Region Lower Oder Valley ( Obszar Chronionego Krajobrazu Region Parku Narodowago Dolina Dolnej Odry ) belong to the protected area.


  • Günter Blutke, Ansgar Vössing (ed.): National Park Symphony Unteres Odertal: A journey through the seasons in pictures , National Park Foundation Unteres Odertal, Schwedt / Oder, 2005, ISBN 3-98100-321-7
  • Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Ministerstwo Srodowiska (Ed.): German-Polish Handbook on Nature Conservation , Bonn and Warszawa, 2000, ISBN 83-86467-37-1
  • Mieczyslaw Jasnowski, Michael Succow: Project study for a German-Polish national park “Unteres Odertal” , unpublished project study on behalf of the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of the Federal Republic of Germany, Berlin branch; Funded by the Munich Cultural Funding Foundation and the WWF Germany , Eberswalde and Szczecin Environmental Foundation , 1991
  • Ansgar Vössing: The International Park Unteres Odertal. A work and traveling book , Stapp Verlag, Berlin, 1998, ISBN 3-87776-934-9

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