Landscape protection park Lower Oder Valley

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The Polish landscape protection park Lower Oder Valley ( Park Krajobrazowy Dolina Dolnej Odry ) is located in the West Pomeranian Voivodeship north of Widuchowa (Fiddichow) and south of Szczecin (Stettin) between the east and west arm of the Oder in the districts of Gryfino (Greifenhagen) and Police (Pölitz) ), not far from the Unteroder coal-fired power station .

The park protects the largest still intact flood moor in Central Europe. 81% of this land between the rivers are open swamp vegetation, 4% are covered by moor forests and around 12% are bodies of water.

The protected area was established in 1993 and covers an area of ​​6,009 hectares and a further buffer zone of 1,149 hectares. The administrative headquarters are in Gryfino . Together with the German Lower Oder Valley National Park , the landscape protection park forms the core area of ​​the German-Polish International Park Lower Oder Valley .

There are three nature reserves in the park :

  • Kurowskie Błota ( swamp near Kurow ): founded in 1965, 31 hectares in size, originally founded to protect a cormorant colony , but now inhabited by approx. 600 pairs of gray herons ,
  • Kanał Kwiatowy ( flowering canal ): founded in 1976, 3 hectares in size, oxbow lake of the Oder, serves to preserve rare aquatic and marsh plants such as the common floating fern and European sea can .
  • Klucki Ostrów ( island near Klucz ): founded in 1994, 49.7 hectares in size, has natural floodplain vegetation, which is periodically flooded, and a breeding colony of black-headed gulls .


  • Günter Blutke, Ansgar Vössing (ed.): National Park Symphony Unteres Odertal: A journey through the seasons of the year , National Park Foundation Unteres Odertal, Schwedt / Oder 2005, ISBN 3-98100-321-7
  • Wolfgang Dohle , Reinhard Bornkamm, Gerd Weigmann (eds.): Das Untere Odertal , Limnologie aktuell, Volume 9, Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung, Stuttgart 1999, ISBN 3-510-53007-1
  • Mieczyslaw Jasnowski, Michael Succow: Project study for a German-Polish national park “Unteres Odertal” , unpublished project study on behalf of the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of the Federal Republic of Germany, Berlin branch; Funded by the Munich Cultural Funding Foundation and the WWF Germany , Eberswalde and Szczecin Environmental Foundation in 1991
  • Łukasz Ławicki, Dominik Marchowski, Krzysztof Ziarnek: Powrót Kotewki Orzecha Wodnego Trapa Natans do Doliny Dolnej Odry (Engl. Return of the Water Caltrop Trapa natans to the Lower Odra River Valley) . In: Przegląd Przyrodniczy . XXVIII, 3, 2017, p. 3–10 ( [accessed December 23, 2019]).
  • Dominik Marchowski & Łukasz Ławicki: Changes in the numbers of breeding birds in the Lower Odra Valley Landscape Park (NW Poland) between 1995 and 2013 . In: The bird world . tape 138 , 2014, ISSN  0042-7993 , p. 51–66 ( [accessed December 23, 2019]).
  • Wolfgang Mönninghoff: Lower Oder Valley National Park , German National Parks, Volume 8, Commerzbank Edition, VEBU Verlag GmbH, Berlin 1997
  • Ansgar Vössing: The International Park Unteres Odertal. A work and traveling book , Stapp Verlag, Berlin 1998, ISBN 3-87776-934-9
  • Ansgar Vössing (Ed.): National Park Yearbook Unteres Odertal 2004 , National Park Foundation Unteres Odertal, Schwedt / Oder 2004, ISBN 3-98100-320-9

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