Ioan Bianu

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Romanian stamp issue on the 30th anniversary of Bianu's death (1965).

Ioan Bianu (* 8. September 1856 in Făget ; † 13. February 1935 in Bucharest ) was a Romanian linguist , Bibliologe , librarian and bibliographer.

life and work

Bianu studied in Bucharest (with Bogdan Petriceicu Hasdeu and the archaeologist Alexandru Odobescu 1834–1895), also in Milan, Madrid and Paris. He was first a high school teacher, then professor of Romanian literary history at the University of Bucharest and from 1884 to 1935 head of the library of the Romanian Academy . In the academy he was a corresponding member from 1887, from 1902 a full member, from 1927 to 1929 general secretary and from 1929 to 1932 president.

Works (selection)

  • (Ed.) Dosofteiŭ, mitropolitul Moldoveĭ, Psaltirea în versurĭ publicată de pe manuscrisul original s̡i de pe edit̡iunea dela 1673 , Bucharest 1887
  • (Ed.) Psaltirea scheiană (1482) , Bucharest 1889
  • (Ed.) Texts macedo-române. Basme ṣi poesiĭ poporale de la Cruṣova , Bucharest 1891
  • (with Nerva Hodoş) Bibliografia românéscă veche 1508 - 1830 , 3 vols., Bucharest 1898–1912, Nendeln 1968–1969
  • Despre introducere limbii românes̡ti in biserica Românilor , Bucharest 1904 (On the introduction of the Romanian language into the Church, lecture at the academy)
  • (with R. Caracas and G. Nicolaiasa) Catalogul manuscriptelor româneşti , 4 vols., Bucharest / Vienna / Leipzig / Craiova 1907–1931
  • Scrisori catre Ioan Bianu , ed. by Marieta Croicu and Petre Croicu, 4 vols., Bucharest 1974–1980 (letters to IB)


  • Cornelius Dima-Dragan and Gheorghe Buluta: Romanian Bibliologists . In: Biblos 28 (1979), pp. 283-305.

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