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Ionius († 471) was possibly called Apollonius with full name and was a late antique Roman jurist .

His epitaph is broken; but since most of the fragments have been preserved, it can be largely reconstructed. The stone is kept in the monastery of Saint Paul outside the walls near Rome . The grave inscription praises Ionius as an expert in law ( legum peritissimus ), not - as is usually the case in similar texts of the time - as an iuris peritus (legal scholar). Since in the 5th century a distinction was made between ius ("legal law") and leges (imperial legislation), legal research explains this difference in such a way that Ionius found his way around the Codex Theodosianus, which was enacted during his lifetime .

It is assumed that he came from a senatorial background, because it says on his tombstone that Ionius was of excellent rank ( nobilitate praecipuus ). Nevertheless, at the end of his life he is only certified as Vir spectabilis , an indication that he was not an active member of the Senate. He may have acquired the quality of vir spectabilis while assisting a high-ranking administrative officer .

The wife of Ionius, who was buried at the end of August 463 at the age of 59, is also mentioned on the tombstone. Her name has not been preserved, but research has added “Soteris” or “Sotera”. According to the inscription, the jurist himself was buried on December 4, 471, if the inscription on the reverse and the grave inscription of Ionius belong together, by his mother.



  • John Robert Martindale: Ionius. In: The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire (PLRE). Volume 2, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1980, ISBN 0-521-20159-4 , p. 619.
  • Detlef Liebs : Non-literary Roman lawyers of the imperial era. In: Klaus Luig , Detlef Liebs (Hrsg.): The profile of the lawyer in the European tradition. Symposium on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Franz Wieacker. Rolf Gremer, Ebelsbach 1980, ISBN 3-88212-018-5 , pp. 123-198, here pp. 196 f.
  • Detlef Liebs: Jurisprudence in late antique Italy (260-640 AD) (= Freiburg legal-historical treatises. New series, volume 8). Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1987, p. 69.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Detlef Liebs : The jurisprudence in late antique Italy (260-640 AD) (= Freiburg legal-historical treatises. New series, volume 8). Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1987, p. 69.
  2. Detlef Liebs: Non-literary Roman jurists of the imperial era. In: Klaus Luig , Detlef Liebs (Hrsg.): The profile of the lawyer in the European tradition. Symposium on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Franz Wieacker. Rolf Gremer, Ebelsbach 1980, ISBN 3-88212-018-5 , pp. 123-198, here p. 197.