Isa Pola

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Isa Pola , born Maria Luisa Betti di Montesano (born December 19, 1909 in Bologna , † December 17, 1984 in Milan ) was an Italian actress , a screen star of the Mussolini era.


Maria Luisa di Montesano was discovered at the age of 16 and was brought in front of the camera for the first time during the silent film era. After a number of supporting roles, she received her first leading role in Nunzio Malasomma's " La telefonista " in 1932. In the period that followed, Isa Pola played supporting characters in a wide variety of materials, in 1932/33 also under the direction of the German avant-garde Walter Ruttmann (" Acciaio ").

Although she was already a popular screen star in the 1930s and early 1940s, it was not until 1943 that Luchino Visconti gave her a demanding film role with the adulteress in his melodrama "I bambini ci guardano". Isa Pola's prominent position in the cinema at the time of fascism and her portrayal style, which is regarded as very antiquated, brought her film career to a close after a series of supporting roles at the end of the 1950s. After that, she was only seen sporadically in television productions.

Isa Pola has also acted in the theater, and she was particularly successful with pieces in Venetian dialect.


  • 1926: I martiri d'Italia
  • 1927: Boccacesca
  • 1929: Myriam
  • 1930: La canzone dell'amore
  • 1930: Terra madre
  • 1931: L'ultima avventura
  • 1932: La cantante dell'opera
  • 1932: Wally
  • 1932: La telefonista
  • 1933: work makes you happy ( Acciaio )
  • 1933: Ragazzo
  • 1934: Creature della notte
  • 1934: L'albergo della felicità
  • 1935: Le scarpe al sole
  • 1936: L'anonima Roylott
  • 1937: Sono stato io!
  • 1937: Gli uomini non sono ingrati
  • 1938: La vedova
  • 1939: Santuzza ( Cavalleria Rusticana )
  • 1939: The glass bridge ( Il ponte di vetro )
  • 1940: Lucrezia Borgia ( Lucrezia Borgia )
  • 1941: Caravan ( Una signora dell'ovest )
  • 1942: I bambini ci guardano
  • 1943: Il paese senza pace
  • 1943: Circo equestre Za-Bum
  • 1946: Storms of Passion ( Furia )
  • 1949: Margherita da Cortona
  • 1950: La rivale dell'imperatrice
  • 1950: Angelo and Chance ( Angelo tra la folla )
  • 1951: Ombre sul Canal Grande
  • 1951: Unrestrained - Three Forbidden Stories ( Tre storie proibite )
  • 1952: The Queen of Sheba ( La regina di Saba )
  • 1952: Il moschettiere fantasma
  • 1953: La figlia del forzato
  • 1955: Primo giorno di primavera (TV movie)
  • 1957: love and chatter ( Amore e chiacchere )
  • 1957: Il ladro sono io (TV movie)
  • 1958: La spada di Damocle (TV movie)
  • 1958: Valentina (TV movie)
  • 1959: Veder grande (TV movie)
  • 1970: Come un uomo e una donna (TV movie)

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Commons : Isa Pola  - Collection of Images