Isabel Noronha

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Isabel Helena Vieira Cordato de Noronha , or Isabel Noronha for short (* 1964 in Lourenço Marques , Portuguese East Africa ) is a Mozambican director and filmmaker .


Youth, training and the path to film

Isabel Noronha was born in 1964 in the capital of the Portuguese colony of East Africa ( Mozambique ), Lourenço Marques (now Maputo). Her father was a Goish doctor, her mother, Mozambican, worked in social services. After Mozambique gained independence and the FRELIMO came to power , she went underground and was de facto unemployed.

By chance, in the early 1980s, Noronha came across a group led by Camilo de Sousa , Machado da Graça and Luis Patriquim , who shot the first Mozambican feature film O tempo dos leopardos (English: The time of the leopards), a Mozambican-Yugoslav joint production. Noronha's interest was piqued, she eventually joined the group and supported them as a production assistant. Noronha later married the director of the film, Camilo de Sousa.

From 1984 Noronha studied film at the Instituto Nacional de Cinema in Maputo. She was co-founder of Mozambique's first independent film cooperative called Coopimagem and the Mozambican Film Association ( Associação Moçambicana de Cineastas ). In addition to her filmic activities, Noronha focused professionally on psychology. Among other things, she studied clinical psychology at the Instituto Superior Politécnico Universitário (ISPU), where she still teaches to this day. She also studied a master's degree in psychology at the University of León (Spain).

Cinematic creation

Her best-known cinematic works include the documentaries “Assim na cidade”, “Sonhos guardados” and “Ngwenya, o crocodilo”. For the latter film, which shows the work of the Mozambican painter Malangatana , she received an award for the best documentary in Africa / Asia / Latin America at the Milan Film Festival in 2008. Overall, Noronha concentrates primarily on documentaries and fictional documentation, which are primarily about the social constructions and identities of Mozambican society.

In 2011, Noronha and Vivian Altman (Brazil), Firouzeh Khosrovani (Iran) and Irene Cardona (Spain) produced a documentary entitled Espelho Meu, which deals with the self-image of women in different cultures. For this film received first prize at DocumentaMadrid 2011 and at the Festival Mujerdoc 2012.

Filmography (selection)

  • 1987: Manjacaze
  • 1988: Hosi Katekisa Moçambique
  • 1989: Genesis em azul
  • 1990: Cuidados prénatais
  • 1992: Assim na cidade
  • 1993: As mães da terra
  • 1994: Abc das eleições
  • 1995: Cena lusófona
  • 2005: Sonhos guardados
  • 2008: Ngwenya, o crocodilo
  • 2008: Mãe dos Netos
  • 2010: Salani
  • 2010: Maciene, para além do sonho
  • 2011: Meninos de Parte Nenhuma
  • 2011: Espelho Meu

Web links

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e José Pedro Martins: Em Campinas, realizadora moçambicana conta como é fazer cinema na África da dor e da beleza. Agência Social de Notícias, 2016, accessed October 8, 2016 (Portuguese).
  2. Cristóvão Araújo: Isabel Noronha e Malangatana 'Ngwenya, o Crocodilo'. In: Sapo. January 10, 2011, accessed October 8, 2016 (Portuguese).