Isidor H. Gross

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Isidor H. Groß , pseudonym Grossi , ( January 24, 1864 in Vienna - August 11, 1914 in Kritzendorf near Vienna) was an Austrian theater actor and opera director .


Isidor H. Groß initially worked in a bank, where he rose to become a dispatcher. After his bank went bankrupt during an economic crisis, he decided to pursue his addiction to the stage. He made his debut in an afternoon performance at the Theater an der Wien under the name “Grossi” in 1871. His actual career began in Budweis, then he was in Wroclaw, Frankfurt, Nuremberg and Heidelberg.

He then worked as an opera and operetta director at various Austrian provincial theaters until 1892. From 1892 he was director of the opera and operetta at the German State Theater in Prague. From 1896 he worked as a director at the Theater in der Josefstadt , but also worked in humorous roles. From 1909 he was chief director at the Apollo Theater .


Individual evidence

  1. ^ The date of birth follows Eisenberg (1903); According to Kosch (1953), Groß was born around 1856.