Islas Lobos de Afuera

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Islas Lobos de Afuera
Satellite image of the archipelago
Satellite image of the archipelago
Waters Pacific Ocean
Geographical location 6 ° 56 ′  S , 80 ° 43 ′  W Coordinates: 6 ° 56 ′  S , 80 ° 43 ′  W
Islas Lobos de Afuera (Peru)
Islas Lobos de Afuera
Number of islands 12 named
Main island Isla Independencia
Total land area 2.35 km²
Residents uninhabited
Map of the archipelago
Map of the archipelago

The Islas Lobos de Afuera are a small Peruvian group of islands in the Pacific Ocean that belongs to the Puerto Etén district of the Lambayeque region.

The 235 hectare , rocky group consists of two larger islands, Isla Independencia in the southwest and Isla Cachimbo in the northeast, which are separated from each other by the Canal Independencia at its narrowest point, 37 meters wide and 7.5 meters deep , and surrounded by numerous smaller rocky islets , including El Vigilante, Santo Domingo, San Bartolo, San Agustín, Quita Calcal, El Ladrón or Lagarta, Lagartija as well as Chichal de Tierra and Chichal de Afuera. The largest island, Isla Independencia, has a settlement, with the port of Puerto Grande, on Bahía Independencia on the northeast side. The archipelago is about 60 km off the coast and 54 km south of the coastal Isla Lobos de Tierra . Like them, it got its name from the presence of maned seals , has no vegetation and was formerly one of the so-called Peruvian guano islands.

The islands are still home to large numbers of sea birds. The waters around them in the cold Humboldt Current are extremely rich in fish.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ BirdLife International Data Zone
  2. a b Sailing Directions (Enroute). Pub. 125: West Coast of South America (PDF; 5.72 MB), Fourteenth Edition, National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, Springfield, Virginia, 2014, p. 46 f. (English)
  3. Thomas A. Deméré, Annalisa Berta, Peter J. Adam: Chapter 3: Pinnipedimorph Evolutionary Biogeography (PDF; 1.49 MB). In: Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History . (No. 279, 2004, pp. 32-76 English). doi : 10.1206 / 0003-0090 (2003) 279 <0032: C> 2.0.CO; 2