Isolated double bond

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In chemistry, isolated double bonds are (mostly) C = C or C = O double bonds in dienes or unsaturated aldehydes , ketones or esters , which are separated from each other (= isolated) by at least two single bonds - mainly CC single bonds .

Double bonds marked in red and the atoms involved.
Comparison of compounds with two isolated, conjugated and cumulated double bonds.
isolated conjugated cumulative
Hydrocarbon Isolated Diene EXAMPLE A V.png Conjugated Diene EXAMPLE B V.png Cumulated Diene EXAMPLE C V.png
Carbonyl compound Isolated Carbonyl EXAMPLE A V.1.svg Conjugated Carbonyl EXAMPLE B V.2.svg Cumulated Carbonyl EXAMPLE C V.2.svg

The isolated double bonds are an example of compounds with isolated multiple bonds . The latter also include alkynes, i.e. compounds with triple bonds between two carbon atoms.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Siegfried Hauptmann : Organic chemistry. 2nd revised edition, VEB Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie, Leipzig, 1985, ISBN 3-342-00280-8 , pp. 61-64.