Istorii subterane

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Istorii subterane ( Romanian ; underground history ) is a Romanian book series that has been published by Edition Polirom in Iași and Bucharest since 2008 and is coordinated by Stelian Tănase . According to the coordinator, the collection is intended to fill “certain gaps in historical research” in Romania. The volumes contain material on important personalities in Romania's political and cultural life in the 20th century, such as Nae Ionescu , Emil Bodnăraș , Christian Rakowski , Petru Groza or Panait Istrati and others. It also covers significant moments from that period, such as the Romanian avant-garde from the State Security archives, the Spanish Civil War , etc., from those who played an active role in it.

William Totok , founding member of the “ Action Group Banat ”, for example, carried the volume Der Bischof, Hitler and the Securitate for the series . The Stalinist trial against the "Vatican spies" in Romania at (see under Augustin Pacha ), Lavinia Betea on the apotheosis of Ceaușescu on August 21, 1968 .


The following overview does not claim to be up-to-date or complete:

  • 1 Racovski . Dosar secret [ Rakovsky secret files ]. Stelian Tănase
  • 2 Avangarda românească în arhivele Siguranței [ Romanian avant-garde in the archives of Siguranța ]. Stelian Tănase
  • 3 Dosarul Brucan . Documents ale Directiei a III-a Contraspionaj a Departamentului Securitatii Statului (1987-1989) [ The Brucan file. Documents from the Ministry of State Security's Third Counter-Espionage Directorate (1987–1989) ]. Radu Ioanid
  • 4 Episcopul, Hitler si Securitatea. Procesul stalinist impotriva “spionilor Vaticanului” din Romania [ The Bishop, Hitler and the Securitate. The Stalinist Trial of the " Vatican Spies " in Romania ]. William Totok
  • 5 August 21, 1968 - Apoteoza lui Ceaușescu [ August 21, 1968: Apotheosis Ceaușescu ]. Lavinia Betea (coordinator)
  • 6 Cioran si Securitatea [ Cioran and the Securitate ]. Stelian Tănase (coordinator)

See also

References and footnotes

  1. Stelian Tanase descopera "Istorii subterane"
  2. Dh Siguranța and later Securitate .
  3. Bookstore link
  4. cf.

Web links