Iulius Exuperantius

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Iulius Exuperantius was a 4th or 5th century author of a small historical pamphlet on a section of Roman history in the 1st century BC. Chr.

Nothing is known about the person of Exuperantius, identification with any of the other bearers of the name is not possible. His script , written in Latin only a few pages, provides a brief account of the rise of Gaius Marius and the subsequent civil war between Marius and Sulla up to the end of Sertorius († 72 BC). The only source for the little work was Sallust . Exuperantius used Sallust's De bello Iugurthino (about the war of the Romans against Jugurtha ) and above all the first two books of its history .

Exuperantius' writing was first published in 1588 by Friedrich Sylburg based on a manuscript by Pierre Pithou and has since been reprinted as an appendix to Sallust editions. The manuscript used by Sylburg is the 11th century Parisinus lat. 6085 , which is important for the Sallust criticism . But even before Sylburg, Ioannes Doringus von Hirsau mentioned in letters to Joachim Vadian in St. Gallen around 1520 a Basel manuscript by Exuperantius, which might have been acquired later by Pierre Pithou during his stay in Basel and would then be identical to Parisinus. The copy of the Exuperantius text in the Bremen City Library by Melchior Goldast is probably from her . The last part of the document from the fifth column on contains a double sheet from the Bavarian State Library in Munich (Clm 29358 (1, old signature Clm 29019, from the second half of the 10th century).


  • G. Landgraf and C. Weyman: Archive for Latin Lexicography 12 (1902), pp. 561-578



  1. a b Georg Wissowa : Exsuperantius 2 . In: Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen Antiquity Science (RE). Volume VI, 2, Stuttgart 1909, column 1695 f.
  2. ^ Friedrich Sylburg: Scriptores historiae Romanae , Vol. 1, Frankfurt am Main 1588
  3. ^ Opusculum des Iulius Exuperantius on OPACplus