Juno Quiritis

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Juno Quiritis ( Faliscan Juno Curitis ) was a Sabine (pre-Roman) Mother Goddess (a form of the Italic goddess Juno ), originally in Falerii was revered, the capital of Faliscans. Your name probably comes from a Sabine word for lance or spear. Often she is shown carrying one of these weapons. Despite the influence of the neighboring Etruscans , the Sabine Faliskers continued to worship the city's own goddess. Nevertheless, the goddess is classified as an Etruscan deity in Latin sources ( Ovid , Amores 3.133.35; Fasti 6.49). In Falerii (now Civita Castellana ), several were Temple , whose most tester because of the findings of an archaic goddesses head and terracotta - high relief is brought a female draped statue of Juno Quiritis in conjunction.

In Rome , too , there was a temple of Juno Quiritis on the Field of Mars , the old training ground of the Roman army. There was another cult of Juno Quiritis in Tibur .


  • Werner Eisenhut : Iuno . In: The Little Pauly . Vol. 2 (1967), col. 1563-1568, especially col. 1565-1566.
  • Enrico Stefani: Civita Castellana. Tempio di Giunone Curite. Nuove ricerche ed ulteriori osservazioni . Notes degli Scavi di Antichità 72, Rome 1947, 69ff.