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The Fasti (also fasting, F-days ) were originally a Roman "list of the days of judgment ", to which further Feriae (festive days) were added later . In the course of the event, an early calendar developed with the addition of special events .

The term is derived from fari (to speak), which in turn is related to fas (divine right). In contrast to dies nefasti , these fasti are days when justice is spoken. At fasti this allowed a praetor hold according to divine law court.

This directory was originally only available to the patricians and was only published in 305 BC. Published by Gnaeus Flavius , the scribe of Appius Claudius Caecus . Ovid wrote a work of the same name between 2 and 8 AD. It was a poetic festival calendar, which was written in elegiac distiches . It describes the Roman festivals with their mythological backgrounds and cult rituals. Twelve books were planned, but only six were completed.

The pontifices assigned the letters A – H ( nundial letters ) for each day of the week . The Romans initially had an “8-day week ”, and the “7- day week ” was only introduced later, following the example of the Babylonians . Every year the market day was assigned a specific letter; it was planned a year ahead. Important events such as the election of a consul were also recorded. See also: Day characters in the Roman calendar .

Types :

  • Fasti : Calendar with holidays and special events
  • Fasti consulares : Directory of consuls attached to the Arch of Augustus in the Roman Forum. It ranges from 508 BC. Remnants were found between BC and AD 354 in 1546 ( Fasti Capitolini ).
  • Fasti commentarii
  • Fasti triumphales : registers of the generals who celebrated triumphs

Also outside the city of Rome, fasti were held in various places , which contained events from the city of Rome and the imperial court as well as locally relevant information, for example the Fasti Ostienses in Ostia .


  • Jörg Rüpke : Fasti sacerdotum. The members of the priesthoods and the sacred functional staff of Roman, Greek, Oriental and Judeo-Christian cults in the city of Rome from 300 BC. BC to AD 499, 3 vols., Steiner, Stuttgart 2005 ( Potsdamer Classical Studies , Vols. 12I – III)

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