Potsdam contributions to classical studies

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The Potsdam Classical Studies Contributions (PAwB) are a series of scientific publications in the field of classical classical studies . According to the self-image, it offers an international forum for work from different ancient science disciplines, which is expressly intended to reach a group of people beyond a small group of specialists.

The Potsdam Classical Studies articles have been published by Franz Steiner Verlag in Stuttgart since 1999 . They are led by the Spanish ancient historian Pedro Barceló (University of Potsdam), Peter Riemer (formerly University of Potsdam, now University of the Saarland, Saarbrücken), the classical philologist and religious historian Jörg Rüpke (formerly University of Potsdam, now University of Erfurt) and the Franco-Luxembourgish ancient historian and religious historian John Scheid (Collège de France). The editorship is closely linked to the ancient science departments of the University of Potsdam . The series consists largely of university papers and conference proceedings. There are also independent monographs, but also manuals or thematic anthologies. If the topics so require, larger numbers of picture panels, thematic indices or other forms of text indexing are also offered. Initially published an average of one or two volumes a year, it was recently up to five.

The main publication language is German, but all other major scientific languages ​​(English, French, Italian) are also possible in this area. In terms of content, all areas of classical antiquity are included, works on ancient history as well as works on classical archeology and classical philology . One focus is the ancient history of religion .

tape Author /
title year ISBN Publication form Remarks
1 Christophe Batsch Between crisis and everyday life: Ancient religions in the Mediterranean area = Conflit et normalité 1999 ISBN 3-515-07513-5 Congress tape partly French
2 Ulrike Egelhaaf-Gaiser Cult spaces in everyday Roman life. Apuleius' Book of Isis and the place of religion in imperial Rome 2000 ISBN 3-515-07766-9 dissertation
3 Christiane Kunst , Ulrike Riemer Limits of power. On the role of the Roman imperial wives 2000 ISBN 3-515-07819-3 Congress tape
4th Jörg Rüpke Telling of gods and people. Constancy of form and functional change in premodern epic 2001 ISBN 3-515-07851-7 Congress tape Review by Alessandro Barchiesi in the Bryn Mawr Classical Review (English)
5 Silke Knippschild "Drum offers the hands to the bunch". Legal symbolic acts in international relations in oriental and Greco-Roman antiquity 2002 ISBN 3-515-08079-1 dissertation
6th Christoph Auffarth , Jörg Rüpke Epitomē tēs oikumenēs = studies of Roman religion in ancient and modern times. For Hubert Cancik and Hildegard Cancik-Lindemaier 2002 ISBN 3-515-08210-7 Festschrift partly english
7th Ulrike Riemer , Peter Riemer Xenophobia - philoxenia. On dealing with strangers in antiquity 2005 ISBN 3-515-08195-X Congress tape
8th Patricia Just Imperator et episcopus. On the relationship between state power and the Christian church between the 1st Council of Nicaea (325) and the 1st Council of Constantinople (381) 2003 ISBN 3-515-08247-6 dissertation
9 Ruth Stepper Augustus et sacerdos. Investigations into the Roman emperor as a priest 2003 ISBN 3-515-08445-2 Habilitation
10 Alessandro Barchiesi Rituals in inc. A Conference on Religion and Literary Production in Ancient Rome, held at Stanford University in February 2002 2004 ISBN 3-515-08526-2
11 Dirk Steueragel Cult and everyday life in Roman port cities. Social processes from an archaeological perspective 2004 ISBN 3-515-08364-2 Habilitation Review by Dorothea Rohde at Sehepunkte
12 Jörg Rüpke , Anne Glock , Fasti sacerdotum. The members of the priesthoods and the sacred functional staff of Roman, Greek, Oriental and Judeo-Christian cults in the city of Rome from 300 BC. Chr. To 499 AD 2005 ISBN 3-515-07456-2 3 volumes: I: Annual and college lists; II: biographies; III: Contributions to source studies and organizational history, bibliography, index - with a CD for indexing the prosopographical material by Bernd Nüsslein; Review by Peter Herz at Sehepunkte
13 Annette Hupfloher Sanctuary and cult practice in imperial Greece 2006 ISBN 3-515-08263-8
14th Dorothee Elm from the East Texts as a medium and reflection of religion in the Roman Empire 2006 ISBN 3-515-08641-2 Congress tape
15th Clifford Ando , Jörg Rüpke Religion and law in classical and christian Rome 2006 ISBN 3-515-08854-7 Collection of articles Review by Roman Lapyrjonok at Sehepunkte
16 Corinne Bonnet Religions orientales - culti misterici. New perspectives - nouvelles perspectives - prospettive nuove. As part of the trilateral project "Les religions orientales dans le monde grèco-romain" 2006 ISBN 3-515-08871-7 Congress tape partly Italian and French
17th Andreas Bendlin Roman religion in historical change. Discourse development from Plautus to Ovid 2008 ISBN 978-3-515-08828-2
18th Virgilio Masciadri An island in the sea of ​​stories. Investigations into myths from Lemnos 2008 ISBN 978-3-515-08818-3 Habilitation
19th Francesca Prescendi Décrire et comprendre le sacrifice. Les réflexions des Romains sur leur propre religion à partir de la littérature antiquaire 2007 ISBN 3-515-08888-1 dissertation French
20th Dorothee Elm from the East Love as madness. The conception of the goddess Venus in the Argonautica of Valerius Flaccus 2007 ISBN 3-515-08958-6 dissertation
21st Frederick E. Brenk With unperfumed voice. Studies in Plutarch, in Greek literature, religion and philosophy, and in the New Testament background 2007 ISBN 3-515-08929-2 Collection of articles English
22nd David Engels The Roman omens (753-27 BC). Sources, terminology, commentary, historical development 2007 ISBN 3-515-09027-4 dissertation Review by William E. Klingshirn in The Classical Review 59 (2001), pp. 215f.
23 Ilinca Tanaseanu chub Conversion to philosophy in late antiquity. Emperors Julian and Synesios of Cyrene 2008 ISBN 978-3-515-09092-6 dissertation
24 Günther Schörner , Darja Šterbenc Erker Media of religious communication in the Roman Empire 2008 ISBN 978-3-515-09188-6
25th Helmut Krasser , Dennis Pausch , Ivana Petrovic Triplici invectus triumpho. The Roman triumph in Augustan times 2008 ISBN 978-3-515-09249-4 Anthology
26th Attilio Mastrocinque The Mystères de Mithra aux Mystères de Jésus 2009 ISBN 978-3-515-09250-0
27 Jörg Rüpke , John Scheid Burial rituals and cult of the dead in the Roman Empire. Rites funéraires et culte des morts aux temps impériales 2010 ISBN 978-3-515-09190-9 Colloquium volume partly French; Review by Anne Kolb in Bonner Jahrbücher (2009 (209), pp. 392–394)
28 Christoph Auffarth Religion in the country. Origin and change of sacred landscapes under Roman rule 2009 ISBN 978-3-515-09347-7 Congress tape
29 Pedro Barceló Religious Fundamentalism in the Roman Empire 2010 ISBN 978-3-515-09444-3 Anthology
30th Christa Frateantonio , Helmut Krasser Religion and education. Media and functions of religious knowledge in the imperial era 2010 ISBN 978-3-515-09690-4 Anthology
31 Philippe Bornet Rites et pratiques de l'hospitalité. Mondes juifs et indiens anciens 2010 ISBN 978-3-515-09689-8 French
32 Giorgio Ferri Tutela urbis. Il significato e la concezione della divinità tutelare cittadina nella religione romana 2010 ISBN 978-3-515-09785-7 Italian
33 James H. Richardson , Federico Santangelo Priests and State in the Roman World 2011 ISBN 978-3-515-09817-5 Anthology English; Review by Marietta Horster at Sehepunkte
34 Peter Eich Image of God and perception. Studies on the ambivalences of early depictions of Greek gods (approx. 800 BC - approx. 400 BC) 2010 ISBN 978-3-515-09855-7 Habilitation
35 Mihály Loránd Dészpa Peripheral thinking. Transformation and adaptation of the god Silvanus in the Danube provinces (1st - 4th century AD) 2012 ISBN 978-3-515-09945-5 dissertation
36 Attilio Mastrocinque , Concetta Giuffré Scibona Demeter, Isis, Vesta, and Cybele. Studies in Greek and Roman religion in honor of Giulia Sfameni Gasparro 2012 ISBN 978-3-515-10075-5 Anthology partly in English and French
37 Elisabeth Begemann Fate as an argument Cicero's speech on fatum in the late republic 2012 ISBN 978-3-515-10109-7 dissertation Review by Ingo Gildenhard at Sehepunkte (English)
38 Christiane Nasse Constructed rituals. The entrails in Latin epic and tragedy 2012 ISBN 978-3-515-10133-2 dissertation
39 Michaela Stark Divine children. Iconographic investigation of the representation concepts of God and child or God and man in Greek art 2012 ISBN 978-3-515-10139-4 dissertation
40 Charalampos Tsochos The religion in the Roman province of Macedonia 2012 ISBN 978-3-515-09448-1 Habilitation Review by Elias Sverkos at Sehepunkte ; Review by Paschalis Paschidis in Tyche 30 (2015) pp. 289–291.
41 Ioanna Patera Offrir en Grèce ancienne. Gestes et contextes 2012 ISBN 978-3-515-10188-2 dissertation French; Review by Miguel Herrero de Jáuregui at Sehepunkte (English)
42 Vera Sauer Religious Issues in the Political Argumentation of the Late Roman Republic. Cicero's First Catilinarian Speech - A Case Study 2013 ISBN 978-3-515-10302-2 dissertation
43 Darja Diebenc bay window Religious roles of Roman women in “Greek” rituals 2013 ISBN 978-3-515-10450-0 Habilitation
44 Peter Eich , Eike Faber Religious everyday life in late antiquity 2013 ISBN 978-3-515-10442-5 Conference proceedings partly english
45 Nicola Cusumano , Valentino Gasparini , Attilio Mastrocinque , Jörg Rüpke Memory and Religious Experience in the Greco-Roman World 2013 ISBN 978-3-515-10425-8 Conference proceedings English
46 Veit Rosenberger Divination in the Ancient World. Religious Options and the Individual 2013 ISBN 978-3-515-10629-0 English; Review by Max Nelson in Bryn Mawr Classical Review (English)
47 Francesco Massa Tra la vigna e la croce. Dioniso nei discorsi letterari e figurativi cristiani (II-IV secolo) 2014 ISBN 978-3-515-10631-3 Italian
48 Marco Ladewig Rome - The Ancient Maritime Republic. Studies on the thalassocracy of the res publica populi romani from the beginning to the establishment of the Principat 2014 ISBN 978-3-515-10730-3 dissertation Review by Christian Wendt at Sehepunkte
49 Attilio Mastrocinque Bona Dea and the Cults of Roman Women 2014 ISBN 978-3-515-10752-5 English; Review by Joshua Langseth at Sehepunkte (English)
50 Julietta Steinhauer-Hogg Religious Associations in the Post-Classical Polis 2014 ISBN 978-3-515-10646-7 dissertation English; Review by Vincent Gabrielsen at Sehepunkte (English)
51 Eike Faber From Ulfila to Rekkared. The Goths and their Christianity 2014 ISBN 978-3-515-10926-0 dissertation
52 Juan Manuel Cortés Copete , Elena Muñiz Grijalvo , Fernando Lozano Gómez Ruling the Greek World. Approaches to the Roman Empire in the East 2015 ISBN 978-3-515-11135-5 English and French; Review by Juan Manuel Cortés Copete at Sehepunkte (Italian)
53 Mirella Romero Recio La caída del Imperio Romano. Cuestiones historiográficas 2016 ISBN 978-3-515-10963-5 Conference proceedings spanish and german
54 Clifford Ando Citizenship and Empire in Europe 200–1900. The Antonine Constitution after 1800 years 2016 ISBN 978-3-515-11187-4 Conference proceedings English
55 Valentino Gasparini Vestigia. Miscellanea di studi storico-religiosi in onore di Filippo Coarelli nel suo 80 ° anniversario 2016 ISBN 978-3-515-10747-1 Italian, English and French
56 James J. Clauss , Martine Cuypers , Ahuvia Kahane The Gods of Greek Hexameter Poetry. From the Archaic Age to Late Antiquity and Beyond 2016 ISBN 978-3-515-11523-0 English
57 Katharina Waldner , Richard Gordon , Wolfgang Spickermann Burial Rituals, Ideas of Afterlife, and the Individual in the Hellenistic World and the Roman Empire 2016 ISBN 978-3-515-11546-9 English and German
58 Jessica Schrader Conversations with gods. The poetological function of communicative cult images in Horace, Tibullus and Properz 2017 ISBN 978-3-515-11700-5 dissertation
59 Timo Klär The vascones and the Roman Empire. The Romanization process in the north of the Iberian Peninsula 2017 ISBN 978-3-515-11739-5 dissertation
60 Hans-Ulrich Wiemer Cult rooms. Studies on the relationship between cult and space in ancient cultures 2017 ISBN 978-3-515-11769-2 Conference proceedings
61 Christopher Degelmann Squalor. Symbolic mourning in the political communication of the Roman Republic and the Early Imperial Era 2018 ISBN 978-3-515-11784-5
62 Lara Dubosson-Sbriglione Le culte de la Mère des dieux dans l'Empire romain 2018 ISBN 978-3-515-11990-0
63 Daniel Albrecht , Katharina Waldner "At table with the saints ...". Asceticism, nourishment and individualization in late antique monasticism 2018 ISBN 978-3-515-12087-6 Colloquium volume with contributions from the memorial colloquium for Veit Rosenberger
64 Katharina Degen The common spirit of the martyrs. The representation of action oriented towards the common good in the early Christian reports of martyrdom 2018 ISBN 978-3-515-12153-8 dissertation
65 Roberto Alciati Norm and Exercise. Christian asceticism between late antiquity and early middle ages 2018 ISBN 978-3-515-12154-5 Anthology English, partly French
66 Isolde Kurzmann-Penz On literary fiction from childhood. Reflections on the apocryphal childhood gospels of Jesus in the context of the ancient biography 2018 ISBN 978-3-515-12152-1
67 Tanja Scheer Nature - Myth - Religion in Ancient Greece. Nature - Myth - Religion in Ancient Greece 2019 ISBN 978-3-515-12208-5 Anthology partly english

In the case of anthologies, congress, conference and colloquia volumes, the editors are indicated. Unless otherwise noted, the language of the band is German.

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