Werner Eisenhut

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Werner Eisenhut (born January 30, 1922 in Nuremberg ; † July 6, 2011 in Berlin ) was a German classical philologist .


After graduating from high school in Nuremberg in 1940, Eisenhut studied classical philology, linguistics and history at the University of Munich from 1942 to 1948 . In 1949 he received his doctorate there under Friedrich Klingner on the subject of properz studies . He then worked as a research assistant at the University of Erlangen . In 1957 he moved to the Free University of Berlin , where he completed his habilitation in 1969 with Franco Munari and Paul Moraux on the subject of Virtus Romana and was appointed professor in 1971. In 1989 he retired.

Werner Eisenhut's best-known works include his introduction to ancient rhetoric and its history (Darmstadt 1974), which appeared in revised editions in 1975 and 1982 (reprinted unchanged in 1990). In addition to his research activities, he has emerged as a translator and editor of bilingual Latin texts. His work The Latin Language: A Course for Lovers , which was first published in 1959 by Heimeran Verlag Munich and was reprinted several times, most recently in 2013, achieved the greatest fame .

Fonts (selection)

  • Properz studies . Munich 1948 (dissertation)
  • with Wilhelm Schöne: Sallust / Gaius Sallustius Crispus . Munich 1950. 2nd, increased edition 1960. 3rd edition 1965 ( Tusculum Collection )
  • Catullus . Munich 1956. 6th edition 1968. 9th edition 1986. 10th edition 1993 ( Tusculum Collection )
  • Dictys Cretensis Ephemeridos belli Troiani libri a Lucio Septimio ex Graeco in Latinum sermonem translati. Accedit papyrus Dictyis Graeci ad Tebtunim inventa . Leipzig 1958. 2nd edition 1973. Reprint 1994, ISBN 978-3-8154-1301-2 ( Bibliotheca Teubneriana )
  • The Latin language. A course for their lovers . Munich 1959. 4th edition 1970. 5th, improved and expanded edition 1985. 6th, revised edition 1989. 7th edition 1991. 8th edition 1996. New print, Düsseldorf 2005, ISBN 978-3-491-69133-9 . Reprint, Augsburg 2008, ISBN 978-3-8289-2225-9 . Reprint, Berlin 2013, ISBN 978-3-411-16020-4
  • Ancient poetry . Darmstadt 1970. 2nd, unchanged edition 1995, ISBN 978-3-534-03842-8 (= Ars interpretandi 2)
  • Virtus Romana. Your position in the Roman value system . Munich 1973 (habilitation thesis; = Studia et testimonia antiqua 13)
  • Introduction to ancient rhetoric and its history . Darmstadt 1974. 2nd edition 1977. 3rd, reviewed edition 1982. 4th, unchanged edition 1990. 5th, unchanged edition 1994, ISBN 978-3-534-04177-0
  • Properz . Darmstadt 1975 ( Paths of Research 237)
  • Catulli Veronensis liber . Leipzig 1983 ( Bibliotheca Teubneriana )
  • with Josef Lindauer: Sallust: works . Munich / Zurich 1985 ( Tusculum Collection ). 2nd edition 1994


  • Wilfried Kürschner: Linguist Handbook . Volume 2. Tübingen, Gunter Narr Verlag 1994, p. 197. ( Google Books )
  • Kürschner's German Scholarly Calendar , 2005 edition. Volume 1, p. 702.

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