Ivan Fyodorovich Dobronrawov

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Ivan Fyodorowitsch Dobronrawow ( Russian Иван Фёдорович Добронравов ; born July 2, 1989 in Voronezh ) is a Russian actor .


Dobronrawov was best known in 2003 for the role of Ivan in the award-winning film The Return - The Return of Andrei Svyagintsev .

He is the son of the people 's artist Fyodor Viktorovich Dobronrawov and the brother of the actor Viktor Fyodorovich Dobronrawov .

Filmography (selection)

Feature films

  • 2003: The Return ( Возвращение - Vosvrushschenije )
  • 2010: The Sun That Deceives Us - The Exodus ( Утомлённые солнцем 2: Предстояние - Utomljonnyje solnzem 2: Predstojanije )
  • 2013: Gagarin - space race ( Гагарин. Первый в космосе - Gagarin. Perwyj w kosmosse )

TV Shows

  • 2010: Suitor 4 ( Сваты 4 - Swaty 4)
  • 2015: The Method ( Метод - Metod )

Web links