Ivan Fyodorov (Navigator)

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Ivan Fyodorow ( Russian Иван Фёдоров ; † 1733 ) was a Russian naval officer .

Fyodorov was in command of the ship Archangel Gawriil (Archangel Gabriel), with whom the surveyor Mikhail Gwosdew took a trip to Kamchatka in the summer of 1732 - as part of a military expedition led by Afanassi Shestakov , or after his death in 1730 by Dmitri Pavlutsky , to map the Bering Strait made. The journey led north from the Sea of Okhotsk through the Bering Strait. He landed on one of the Diomedes Islands and finally reached the coast of Alaska on August 21, 1732, at what is now Cape Prince of Wales . Fyodorov was the first seafarer to reach the Northwest American coast from the west.

Fyodorov was seriously ill when he was embarked in July 1732 and died soon after returning to Kamchatka.


  • Walter Krämer (ed.): The discovery and exploration of the earth. Brockhaus Verlag , Leipzig 1976
  • Lydia T. Black: Russians in Alaska. 1732-1867 . University of Alaska, Fairbanks 2004, ISBN 1-889963-04-6 .