Izabella Sierakowska

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Izabella Sierakowska

Izabella Antonina Sierakowska (born September 22, 1946 in Góra Śląska ) is a Polish politician and member of the Sejm in the 10th electoral term ( PRL ), as well as the I, II, III, IV, V and VI ( third Republic ).

She finished her studies at the Faculty of Russian Philology of the Pedagogical University in Rzeszów . In 1970 she joined the Polska Zjednoczona Partia Robotnicza (Polish United Workers' Party - PZPR). In 1987 she became a delegate at the 10th party congress of the PZPR. In the 1989 Sejm elections she was elected from the PZPR list. In 1991, 1993, 1997 and 2001 she won a seat on the list of Sojusz Lewicy Demokratycznej (Federation of the Democratic Left - SLD). She belonged to the Socjaldemokracja Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Social Democracy of the Republic of Poland - SdRP) and had been a member of the SLD since 1999. In 2004 she joined the newly founded party Socjaldemokracja Polska (Social Democracy of Poland - SdPl). In the Sejm of the fourth electoral term, she performed the role of deputy chairman of the defense commission and member of the health policy commission. In 1996 she was co-author of the law liberalizing the right to abortion .

In the parliamentary elections in 2007 she was again a member of the constituency of Lublin with 24,870 votes, this time from the list of Lewica i Demokraci (Left and Democrats - LiD). She is a member of the Sejm Commission for Defense and Environmental Protection.

On April 22, 2008, she became a member of the newly founded SdPl-Nowa Lewica parliamentary group.

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