Izaskun Bilbao

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Izaskun Bilbao Barandica 2014
Izaskun Bilbao (2010)

María Izaskun Bilbao Barandica (born March 27, 1961 in Bermeo ) is a Spanish politician of the Basque nationalist party PNV and has been a member of the European Parliament since 2009 . Before that, she was President of the Basque Regional Parliament.

Bilbao studied law at the University of Deusto and then worked from 1996 to 1998 in the Basque Ministry of the Interior and Culture; she was also a member of the Bermeo City Council. In 1998 she was elected to the Basque regional parliament, whose president she became in 2005 - as a compromise candidate between the ruling PNV and the opposition made up of socialists ( PSOE ) and conservatives ( PP ).

In 2008, Bilbao was at the center of a controversy over the hoisting of the Spanish flag at the seat of the Basque Parliament: According to Spanish law, all state institutions that hoist regional or local flags must also display the national flag. The Basque Parliament ignored this law for a long time and only hoisted the Basque regional flag ( irciña ). In 2008 the Spanish Supreme Court ruled that the Spanish flag should also be displayed in the Basque Parliament. Although the PNV spoke out against obeying this ruling, Bilbao decided to avoid an institutional conflict and had the flag displayed.

After being re-elected in the Basque regional elections in early 2009, she gave up her seat in parliament a few months later in order to run for the European elections in Spain in 2009 as the second-placed candidate in the list Coalición por Europa , an electoral alliance between the PNV, the Catalan CiU and various other regionalist parties. The list won exactly two seats, so that Bilbao entered the European Parliament .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. El Mundo , May 23, 2005: El Parlamento vasco elige a Izaskun Bilbao (PNV) como presidenta (in Spanish).
  2. El Mundo , November 28, 2008: El Supremo ordena que la bandera española ondee en el Parlamento vasco (in Spanish).
  3. El País , December 24, 2008: Bilbao ratifica su decisión de colocar la bandera española en la Cámara (in Spanish).