Józef Gółkowski

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Szczepan Józef Sylwester Gółkowski (born December 25, 1787 in Klęczkowo , Culm District , West Prussia ; † August 22, 1871 in Culm ) was a Polish publisher and editor in Culm.


Józef Gółkowski attended the Catholic grammar school in Graudenz and studied law in Königsberg , which he had to break off because of the war in 1805/06.

In 1848 he opened the first Polish printing house in Culm, as well as a bookstore. There appeared Szółka Narodowa / Szkoła Narodowa (1848-1850) as the first Polish magazine in West Prussia after the introduction of freedom of the press, Katolik diecezji Chełmińskiej (1849-1851), and Nadwiślanin (1850-1866), the only Polish-language newspaper in West Prussia during this time. He was also an editor for all of them. Gółkowski published folk calendars and books and founded an amateur theater.

In 1861 he was sentenced by the Prussian authorities to three years imprisonment for press violations, his permission to print was withdrawn and his civil rights for five years. In 1866 his son-in-law Józef Danielewski took over the printing and publishing house.


  • Helena Dzienis: Szczepan Józef Gółkowski . In: Zasłużeni ludzie Pomorza Nadwiślańskiego z okresu zaboru pruskiego. Szkice biograficzne . Gdańskie Towarzystwo Naukowe, Gdańsk 1979. pp. 59-61.
  • Christian Pletzing: From Spring of Nations to National Conflict. German and Polish nationalism in East and West Prussia 1830–1871 (= German Historical Institute (Warsaw). Sources and Studies. Vol. 13). Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden 2003, ISBN 3-447-04657-0 . Pp. 246 , 249 , 396 , et al. ö.

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