Jörg Westphal

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Jörg Westphal (2018)

Jörg Westphal (* 1968 in Suhl ) is a German actor .


In 1987, Jörg Westphal passed the Abitur at the EOS "Artur Becker" in his hometown and trained as a nurse at the local hospital from 1990 to 1993, as his wish at the time was to study medicine. He played his first role at the Meininger Theater in the play Die Welle based on the novel by Morton Rhue . Then in 1994 Westphal began studying acting at the "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy" University of Music and Theater in Leipzig . During his studies he had his first guest contracts at the Cottbus State Theater , the Dresden State Theater and the Meininger Theater. After graduating as a graduate actor in 1998, Westphal took on an engagement at the Berlin Grips Theater in the same year , to which he was a member until 2012. Since then he has been working as a freelancer and continues to perform as guest at the Grips Theater as well as the Hans Otto Theater in Potsdam and the Schlosspark Theater .

Well-known pieces with Westphal's participation included the West Side Story by Leonard Bernstein and Bertolt Brecht's The Temporary Ascent of Arturo Ui as well as the musical Line 1 at the Grips Theater and the productions, one on the face and the line, which were awarded the Friedrich Luft Prize 2 - the nightmare .

Since the mid-2010s, Westphal has occasionally played in film and television. He lives in Berlin.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b website of Jörg Westphal , accessed on June 1, 2017
  2. Jörg Westphal at schauspielervideos.de