JW Carsle

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JW Carsle (2014)

JW Carsle (born May 15, 1985 in Berlin ) is a German actor and novelist who lives in Leipzig and Perth (Australia).

life and career

After graduating from high school and studying computer science, JW Carsle got a job as manager of the Lenovo Business Partner in Leipzig . Many broadcasters were on the sales plan. At a sales appointment, he managed to get the first small role in the series "In allerfreund". Inspired by his new passion, he registered with an agency. This changed his life very much so that at the end of 2012 he made the decision to quit the IT job. With the decision to emigrate to Australia and to work on his acting training, he obtained the "Advanced Diploma of Film & Television" in 2013. The relaxed way of life in »Down Under« led him to the next chapter in his vita, writing. The first novel “Love is Power” will be published in mid-2015.

Filmography (selection)

TV series (selection)

  • 2011 2012 2013 In all friendship
  • 2011 Veterinarian Doctor Mertens
  • 2012 Police call 110 episode 334 "catwalk to death"
  • 2013 Tatort episode 877 "The truth dies last"
  • 2013 Goodbye Germany VOX
  • 2013 The Doctor Blake Mysteries ABC Television
  • 2014 Fraud cases RTL "Paid Night"

Web links