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Jaasiël was the name of several people mentioned in the biblical first book of the chronicles .


The Hebrew personal name יַעֲשִׂיאֵל ja'ǎśî'el , German 'Jaasiël' is a verb sentence name consisting of subject and predicate. The subject is the theophore element אֵל 'el "God", predicate the verb of the root עשֹה ' śh "make" in the preformative conjugation. The name means "God made". The verb is one of the creation terms, the context of the name is the creation of the newborn child by God.

The Septuagint gives the name as Ιεσιηλ iesiēl ( 1 Chr 11.47  LXX ), Οζιηλ oziēl ( 1 Chr 15.18  LXX ) and Ασιηλ asiēl ( 1 Chr 27.21  LXX ), the Vulgate always as Iasihel .

Hero of david

In 1st Chronicle 11, 47  LUT a Jaasiël from Zoba is mentioned in the list of David's heroes . However, it does not belong to the shorter list in 2 Samuel  23  EU , but only to extend the list in 1 Chronicles 11, 26–47.


In 1 Chronicles 15, 18  LUT a Jaasiel is called as part of a group of Levite, as the musicians in obtaining the ark to Jerusalem functioned. The following describes which instrument the individual Levites played. Jaasiël belongs to a group that played the harp “in the Elamite way”.

Prince of the Bejaminites

Jaasiël, the son of Abner, is mentioned in 1. Chronicles 27, 21  LUT as prince of the tribe of Benjamin .


  • Art. יַעֲשִׂיאֵל, In: Gesenius. 18th edition 2013 , p. 478.
  • Martin Noth : The Israelite personal names in the context of the common emitic naming. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart 1928, pp. 28.206.247.
  • Hans Rechenmacher : Old Hebrew personal names. Münster 2012, pp. 84.134f.207.


  1. The term is rendered differently in different Bible translations. The 2016 standard translation translates “in the Elamite way on harps”; the Zurich Bible translates “harps in the manner of young girls”; the Good News Bible translates as "harp in high key"; The Luther Bible 2017 only writes “harps” after the revised version from 1984 translated “Psalter”.