Jacaranda Ensemble

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Jacaranda Ensemble
Jacaranda ensemble
Jacaranda ensemble
General information
Genre (s) World music
founding 1997
Website www.jacaranda.de
Current occupation
Saxophone, bassoon
Sebastian Pietsch
Didgeridoo, alphorn
Richard Mosthaf
Alphorn, French horn
Thomas Hoffmann
Marimba, percussion
Matthias Dressler
Thomas Ringleb

Jacaranda is an instrumental ensemble that was founded in 1997 and consists of five musicians and soloists from the Brandenburg Symphony Orchestra . The ensemble wants to build a bridge between the cultures of the world with its music.

On alphorns , didgeridoos , saxophones , marimba , congas and other percussion instruments, Jacaranda play a mixture of composed and improvised music in which elements from classical , blues , folk and jazz are combined.

Concert tours have taken the Jacaranda Ensemble through Germany, the USA, Austria, Estonia, Great Britain, Liechtenstein, Egypt, Lebanon and several times to China, Oman, Spain and Luxembourg.

In 2006 the ensemble won the German world music competition Creole in Berlin. In recognition of the artistic work carried out so far, the Jacaranda Ensemble was awarded the State of Brandenburg's first art sponsorship award in January 2013 .


  • 2006: continental
  • 2001: voice of earth
  • 2000: 3rd street promenade

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Jacaranda Ensemble receives Brandenburg State Art Prize , accessed on February 10, 2013