Jacek Wesołowski

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Jacek Wesołowski

Jacek Wesołowski (born June 1, 1943 in Pruszków near Warsaw ) is a Polish and German multimedia conceptual artist , art and literary scholar .


In 1968 he completed his studies in Polish Philology, and in 1977 he received his doctorate from the Institute for Literary Theory, Theater and Film at the University of Łódź . He published on visual poetry and conceptual art in collective editions and magazines ("Nowy Wyraz", his debut 1972, "Poezja", "Teksty", "Zagadnienia Rodzajow Literackich"). Until 1981 he taught at the university and at the art academy in Lodz, after which he taught as a guest lecturer at Kiel University . In 1986 he decided to stay in Germany.

In 1983 he started his own artistic oeuvre, a concept called Diary. Images / texts (later title art life concept Dzien-Nik / Tage-Buch / Dia-Ry ), the basis and framework of which is based on the artist's written diary. The core of the concept is an individual, personal interpretation of the world and of people in the experienced reality, which is built up as a process of consciousness development. This includes the intentional relativization of conventions and limits. In the overall work of the artist, the visual and verbal forms of expression are always connected and exchanged. Since 1984 he has been designing his own exhibition projects and has also participated in joint exhibitions in Germany and Italy, Malta, Finland, Denmark, Norway, Belgium and the Czech Republic.

Since 1993 he has been holding exhibitions in Poland, usually in cooperation with German and Polish museums and galleries. The Tag-Buch exhibition projects are always conceived as installations with completely problematic titles, which are accompanied by bilingual (German / Polish) catalogs. Jacek Wesołowski has been a member of the Federal Association of Visual Artists (BBK) since 1994. In 1996 and 1999 he received a scholarship from the state of Schleswig-Holstein. Since 1999 he has lived in Berlin and in Bialowice / Billendorf in Poland (Lebuser Land / Niederlausitz). Since 2003 he has been the Berlin correspondent for the monthly “Odra” (Breslau). In 2004 he founded the German-Polish association KunstGrenzen eV Berlin, of which he is chairman. He organizes the annual German-Polish Spotkania Bialowickie (Billendorfer meetings).   


Own projects (Art Life Concept Dzien-Nik / Tage-Buch / Diary ) with catalogs

  • Dziennik / Diary 1983-93 , Lodz 1993
  • Arca , Lübeck-Lodz 1994
  • Arsenal , Wrocław 1996
  • Spring Night Dream , Rendsburg 1996
  • Inter-Wencja / Inter-Vention , Lodz 1997
  • Arca, Appendix , Zielona Góra 1999
  • Really , Kiel 1999
  • K.Opf , Bad Doberan 2000
  • Arsenał Nowy , Poznań 2001
  • Inter-Vention / Inter-Wencja - Berlin , Berlin 2001
  • J.Ehsen , Nowogrod Bobrzanski-Berlin 2002
  • BorderGranica , Rostock-Lübeck-Szczecin 2002
  • Art work , Zielona Góra 2005
  • Granica-Zwiazki / Grenz -verbindungen , Lodz 2006
  • Pom-Nik / Denk-Mal , Zielona Góra-Dresden 2011
  • Cathedral , Berlin 2015
  • dzien-nik_fb.obrazy / teksty, an internet project, from 2012
Objects of the 'Arca' project
Own writings outside the catalogs, selection
  • Czasoprzestrzen slowa , "Nowy Wyraz", 10/1977
  • Polskie visualium , "Teksty", 4/1978
  • Wizualnosc tekstu a tekst wizualny (in :) Pogranicza i korespondencje sztuk , Ossolineum, 1980
  • Where is the devil (buried?) ? German-Polish questions in literature , FRI, 1998
  • Cmentarz na Srebrzynskiej, (in :) Łódzkie sentymenty, MHML, 1998
  • Artysta jako czlowiek i jako rzecz (with English summary), (in :) Czlowiek i rzecz , UAM, 1999
  • Słowo wobec obrazu (with English summary), (in :) Slowo do ogladania , UZG, 2003
  • The Germans in us. Image of German in Polish literature , "Külzer Hefte", 3/2004
  • Od Morsztyna do Drozdza. Aktywność wizualna tekstu w historii literatury (with English summary), "Dyskurs", 10 (2010)
  • Translate Drozdz? About translating Concrete Poetry (in :) beginning , OKiS, 2011
  • Self-presentation in text and images, Author Gallery , "Images", Number 23 (2014)


(outside the catalogs, selection)

  • Bożena Chrząstowska, Bez tytułu , “Polonistyka”, 3/1998
  • Urszula Benka, Meta-obrazy Jacka Wesolowskiego (with English summary), "Format", 30 (1999)
  • Same , Pionowa granica (with English translation), "Exit", 4/2002
  • Michael Nungesser, Jacek Wesolowskis Vota , (in :) Goetzen (exhibition catalog), Berlin 2005
  • Anke Kowalski, Kunst-Welt , “Exit”, 3/2006
  • Tomasz Zalejski-Smolen, Dzien-Nik Jacka Wesolowskiego. Historia, poetyka, etyka (with English summary), "Quart", 2/2006
  • Same, to the limit. The daily book by Jacek Wesolowski , “Pro Libris”, 3/2006
  • The same, Rozmowa z Jackiem Wesolowskim - O milczeniu (with English summary), "Quart", 2/2009
  • Jens Rönnau, Jacek Wesolowski. A monographic study , Provinzial Kiel, 2010
  • Grzegorz Dziamski, Sztuka ożywiania rzeczy. Dzien-Nik Jacka Wesolowskiego , "Odra", 5/2012
  • Film: Dzien-Nik Jacka Wesolowskiego 1983-93 , Polish TV Lodz, realization Jadwiga Wilenska, 1993, 30 min.

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