Jack Binns

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John Robinson Binns (called Jack , * 16th September 1884 in Brigg , Lincolnshire , † 8. December 1959 in New York ) was a British ship radio operator and the first man, the one in a ship accident emergency by radio deposed.

Binns was a radio operator aboard the ocean liner Republic when the ship shortly after leaving the port of New York on January 23, 1909 off the coast of Massachusetts in thick fog from the Italian passenger ship Florida was rammed amidships and in danger of sinking.

Binns checked the radio station ; it stopped working because the power supply to the Republic had already collapsed as a result of the collision . He plunged into the infiltrated water to find batteries . With them he was able to get his radio system going again. Binns was able to use the radio to call other ships to receive the crew and passengers of the ships involved in the accident.

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