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The Jacklschutzen is a common in parts of Germany usage is high in which a doll on a sheet and put down.

The custom is still widespread in Werdenfelser Land , but also in other German places. There it takes place at the end of the carnival season. It is believed that it goes back to a popular justice system that was already widespread in ancient Rome, in which the offender was thrown up and down ("bruised") on a cow skin. In Munich the custom was practiced by craftsmen on St. John's Day until the early 19th century .

Individual evidence

  1. Sonja Gibis and Robert Arsenschek: Carnival customs in Upper Bavaria: When the devil fools us , accessed on May 21, 2019.
  2. ^ Gisela Schinzel-Penth : Sagas and legends of Munich. Ambro Lacus, 1979.