Jacob Graberg

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Jacob Graberg

Jacob Gråberg Graf von Hemsö (born May 7, 1776 on Gut Gannarve near Hemse on Gotland , † November 29, 1847 in Florence ) was a Swedish scholar.


Gråberg (pronounced gro-) joined the British Navy after several land and sea voyages in Europe and in 1811 became Swedish Vice Consul in Genoa . In the same capacity he went to Tangier in 1815 and then to Tripoli in 1823 . In 1828 Gråberg went to Florence , where he worked as a chamberlain and librarian.

Jakob Gråberg developed an extensive literary activity in the field of statistics and geography , as well as in the Arabic language and literature, which he had got to know during his stay in Africa .

He wrote about the history of Ibn Chaldun (Florence 1834) a. a. and through his works: Essai geographique et statistique sur la régence d'Alger (Florence 1830) and Specchio geografico estatistico del imperio di Marocco (German, Stuttgart 1833) the knowledge of North Africa.

He belonged to several scientific academies and societies.


  • Theory of Statistics (Genoa 1821; German, Aachen. 1835) to be
  • Experiment over the skalds (Pisa 1811) and
  • La Scandinavie vengée etc. (Lyon 1822), in which he seeks to prove that the peoples of the north already had a real culture at the time of the migration.


  • Carl Forsstrand: Svenska lyckoriddare i främmande länder . Geber, Stockholm 1916.
  • Holger Rosman: Jacob Gråberg af Hemsö. En konturteckning . In: Personhistorisk tidskrift , 1935, Stockholm 1936.
  • Bengt Hildebrand: Gråbergiana, en florentinsk axplockning . In: Personhistorisk tidskrift , 1936.
  • Karl Vilhelm Zetterstéen: Jacob Gråberg af Hemsö som arabist . Almqvist & Wiksell, Uppsala 1949.
  • Gabriella Galardi, Leonardo Rombai: Jacob Gråberg di Hemsö, geografo e statistico a Firenze (1828–1847) . In: Medioevo e rinascimento . 10, ns 7, 1996, pp. 293-296, ISSN  0394-7858 .
  • Francis Herbert: Jacob Gråberg af Hemsö, the Royal Geographical Society, the Foreign Office, and Italian portolan charts for the British Museum . In: Accurata descriptio: studier i cartography, numismatics, oriental studies and biblioteksväsen tillägnade Ulla Ehrensvärd . 2003, ISBN 91-7000-222-3 , pp. [269] -314.
  • Staffan Helmfrid: Profet i främmande land: Jacob Gråberg och Marockokartan . Abstract med titel: Prophet in foreign lands: Jacob Gråberg and his Morocco map . In: Accurata descriptio: studier i cartography, numismatics, oriental studies and biblioteksväsen tillägnade Ulla Ehrensvärd . Pp. 253-267. 2003. ISBN 91-7000-222-3 .
  • Jacob Graberg . In: Herman Hofberg, Frithiof Heurlin, Viktor Millqvist, Olof Rubenson (eds.): Svenskt biografiskt handlexikon . 2nd Edition. tape 1 : A-K . Albert Bonniers Verlag, Stockholm 1906, p. 409 (Swedish, runeberg.org ).