Jacob Pinkerfeld

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Jacob Pinkerfeld (born January 3, 1897 in Lemberg , † September 23, 1956 in Ramat Rachel ) was an Israeli architect .

Pinkerfeld joined the Zionist movement at a young age and was one of the founding members of the Shomer ha-Tzair in Galicia . He came to Palestine for the first time in 1920 and participated in the drainage of swamp areas. However, due to illness, he initially returned to Europe and completed his studies as an architect. He participated in the archaeological excavations of Bet Alpha in 1929 and Etzion Geber in 1938. In the newly established Israel Department of Antiquities , he was head of the department for the preservation of buildings. His research focused on synagogues in Israel and Italy, and a publication on North African synagogues was in preparation. Pinkerfeld died when Jordanian troops opened fire on Ramat Rachel during an excursion for the 12th archaeological conference in Israel in September 1956, along with three other conference participants.


  • Obituary in Israel Exploration Journal 6 (1956), p. 267.