Jacques-Nicolas de Fleuriot de La Freulière

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Jacques-Nicolas de Fleuriot de La Freulière (born October 30, 1738 in Ancenis , † October 20, 1824 in Oudon ) was a French officer and troop leader of the Armée catholique et royale de Vendée during the uprising there .

Military career

Until 1789 he served in the royal army , in which he is named for 1780 with the rank of captain in the cavalry . In 1785 he was awarded the order of a Chevalier des Ordre royal et militaire de Saint-Louis , and he moved as Maréchal des logis to the Garde du corps du roi .

After the outbreak of unrest in the Vendée, he immediately moved to the counter-revolutionary camp, where he became Charles de Bonchamps' deputy . After his death he fought under the command of Stofflet and was involved in the Galerne March (Virée de Galerne).

In December 1793, after crossing the Loire through La Rochejaquelein and Stofflet near Ancenis, the whites were without a leader. Fleuriot, who was preferred to the Prince de Talmont ( Antoine-Philippe de La Trémoille ), took over the command of the remnants of the Vendée army. He took her to Blain and then to Savenay , where she was overtaken by the Republicans and massacred in the Battle of Savenay . Fleuriot managed to escape the massacre, cross the Loire again and join the army of François Athanase de Charette de la Contrie .

Jacques-Nicolas de Fleuriot de La Freulière was one of the signatories of the Treaty of La Jaunaye in February 1795 . In contrast to most of his superiors, he survived the uprising unscathed and died in 1824 in the restored Bourbon monarchy in his "Villa d'Omblepied".

Villa d'Omblepied


  1. The ranks in the guard differed significantly from the normal troops, with the king holding the highest rank as captain


  • Charles-Louis Chassin: La Vendée patriote, 1793–1795. Volume 3. Imprimerie P. Dupont, Paris 1892, p. 436.
  • Gustave Chaix d'Est-Ange: Dictionnaire des familles françaises anciennes ou notables à la fin du XIX e siècle. Volume 18. Imprimerie Charles Hérissey, Évreux 1922, p. 198.
  • M. du Plessis: Le dernier Généralissime de la Grande Armée Catholique et Royale de Vendée Jacques Nicolas de Fleuriot de La Freulière. In: Bulletin de la Société d'archéologie et Historique de Nantes et de la Loire-Inférieure. Volume 67, 1927.