Jacques Morel (Romanist)

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Jacques Morel (born April 22, 1926 , † July 4, 2006 ) was a French Romance studies and literary scholar .

life and work

Morel grew up in Epinal and Neufchâteau . He graduated from the École normal supérieure (1947-1950), graduated from the Agrégation and was from 1950 to 1954 high school teacher in Chaumont . Then he went back to the Ecole as a répétiteur . From 1957 he went through the stations of a university career from assistant to professor at the University of Lille . He completed his habilitation in 1968 with René Pintard on Jean Rotrou, dramaturge de l'ambiguïté (Paris 1968, 2002). From 1970 to 1997 he held a chair in French 17th century literature at the University of Paris III .

Jacques Morel was Commandeur of the Palmes académiques .

Other works

  • La Renaissance. 3. 1570–1624, Paris 1973 (Littérature française 5, edited by Claude Pichois); New edition ud T. De Montaigne à Corneille 1572–1660, Paris 1986, 1991, 1997 (Histoire de la littérature française 3, edited by Claude Pichois)
  • (Ed. With Alain Viala) Racine, Théâtre complet, Paris 1980, 1985, 2010 (Classiques Garnier)
  • Racine en toutes lettres, Paris 1992
  • (Ed.) La tragédie, Paris 1992


  • Jacques Morel, Agréables mensonges. Essais sur le théâtre français du XVIIe siècle, ed. by Christian Biet, Patrick Dandrey, Georges Forestier and Alain Viala; Afterword by Geneviève Boisard, Paris 1991 (Festschrift)
  • Marie-Madeleine Fragonard in: Dix-septième siècle 231, 2006, pp. 195–197

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Morel . ( bnf.fr [accessed April 30, 2020]).