Jacques Scherer

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Jacques Scherer (born February 24, 1912 in Paris , † June 4, 1997 ) was a French Romance studies and theater scholar.

life and work

Scherer was a graduate of the École normal supérieure . He passed the Agrégation in 1936. From 1938 to 1939 he taught at Swarthmore College . From 1942 to 1943 he worked for the radio station Voice of America . In 1944 he headed the foreign department in the Ministry of Information of the Provisional Government of the French Republic . He completed his habilitation in Paris in 1945 with the theses L'Expression littéraire dans l'oeuvre de Mallarmé (Paris 1947) and (Ed.) Corneille, Rodogune , Paris 1945. From 1946 to 1954 he taught at the University of Nancy (from 1948 as a professor ). From 1954 to 1983 he was a full professor at the Sorbonne , first for French literature, then for the history and technology of French theater. In 1959 he founded the Institut d'études théâtrales (IET) with Raymond Lebègue . From 1973 to 1979 he taught at Oxford University .

Jacques Scherer was married to the literary scholar Colette Scherer, b. Blé.

Other works


  • La dramaturgie classique en France (Paris 1950, 1959, 1970, 1986, 2001)
  • La Dramaturgie de Beaumarchais, Paris 1954, 1970, 1989, 1994, 1999
  • Le "Livre" de Mallarmé. Premières recherches sur des documents inédits, Paris 1957, 1978
  • Structures de Tartuffe, Paris 1966
  • Sur le Don Juan de Molière, Paris 1967
  • Le Cardinal et l'orang-outang. Essai sur les inversions et les distances dans la pensée de Diderot, Paris 1972
  • Théâtre et anti-théâtre au XVIIIe siècle. An inaugural lecture delivered before the University of Oxford on February 13, 1975, Oxford 1975
  • Grammaire de Mallarmé, Paris 1977
  • Racine et / ou la cérémonie, Paris 1982
  • Le Théâtre de Corneille, Paris 1984
  • Dramaturgies d'Œdipe, Paris 1987
  • (with Colette Scherer) Le théâtre classique, Paris 1987, 1993 (Que sais-je? 1414)
  • Le théâtre en Afrique noire francophone, Paris 1992
  • Dramaturgies du vrai-faux, Paris 1994

Editorial activities (selection)

  • (Ed.) Beaumarchais, Montréal 1945
  • (Ed.) Rotrou, Cosroès. Tragedy, Paris 1950
  • (Ed. With René Bray) Œuvres complètes de Molière, 3 vols., Paris 1954–1956
  • (Ed.) Corneille, Théâtre complet, 4 vols., Paris 1973
  • (Ed.) Beaumarchais, Le Barbier de Séville, Paris 1982


  • Dramaturgies, langages dramatiques. Mélanges pour Jacques Scherer, Paris 1986
  • Le Monde June 10, 1997
  • Qui était qui au XXe siècle, Levallois-Perret 2005 sv
  • Jacques Scherer, Molière, Marivaux, Ionesco ... 60 ans de critique, ed. by Colette Scherer, Saint-Genouph 2007 (with list of publications)
  • Jean Goldzink, Beaumarchais dans l'ordre de ses raisons. Dialogue posthumously with Jacques Scherer sur les dramaturgies de Beaumarchais, Saint-Genouph 2008

Web links