Jadran Ferluga

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Jadran Ferluga (born February 13, 1920 in Trieste , † January 27, 2004 in Piran ) was a Slovenian Byzantine .

Jadran Ferluga studied history in Paris from 1946 and later in Belgrade . In 1956 he received his doctorate in Belgrade with Georg Ostrogorsky with a dissertation on the Byzantine administration of Dalmatia . He then taught at the Byzantine Studies Institute of Belgrade University. Since 1968 he has represented the vacant professorship for Byzantine Studies at the University of Münster , which he has held as a full professor since 1970. In 1985 he retired.

Jadran Ferluga was co-editor of the (prematurely canceled) glossary on early medieval history in Eastern Europe . He directed the publication of the Greek series (B), which appeared from 1974 and up to vol. 3, Liefg. 1-2, 1988, thrived. He was also co-editor of the five supplements to the glossary.

Fonts (selection)

  • Vizantiska uprava u Dalmaciji , Belgrade 1957 (on Byzantine rule in Dalmatia, Italian 1987).
  • Byzantium on the Balkans. Studies on the Byzantine administration and the Southern Slavs from the VIIth to the XIIth centuries , AM Hakkert, Amsterdam 1976 (anthology with 21 articles).
  • Revolts in the Byzantine Empire between the years 1025 and 1081. An attempt at a typology , in: Rivista di studi bizantini e slavi 5 (1985) 137–168.
  • Byzantine trade to the north in the 9th and 10th centuries , in: Investigations on trade and traffic in prehistoric times 4 (1987) 616–642.
  • L'esarcato , in: Antonio Carile (ed.): Storia di Ravenna , Vol. 2: Dall'età bizantina all'età ottoniana , Venice 1991, pp. 351-377
  • Investigations into the Byzantine provincial administration. VI.-XIII. Century , AM Hakkert, Amsterdam 1992. ISBN 90-256-0992-9
  • Veneziani fuori Venezia , in: Lellia Cracco-Ruggini (Ed.): Storia di Venezia. Dalle origini alla caduta della Serenissima , vol. 1: Origini - Età ducale , Rome 1991, pp. 693-722.
  • Mercati e mercanti fra Mar Nero e Adriatico: il commercio nei Balcani dal VII all'XI secolo , in: Mercati e mercanti nell'Alto Medioevo. L'area euroasiatica e l'area mediterranea , Spoleto 1993, pp. 443-498
  • Bisanzio , in: Gherardo Ortalli (Ed.): Storia d'Europa , Vol. 3: Il Medioevo. Secoli V-XV , Turin 1994, pp. 219-294.


  • Günter Prinzing : List of Jadran Ferluga , Seminar for Byzantine Studies, Münster 1985.
  • Günter Prinzing: Obituary Jadran Ferluga (February 13, 1920– January 27, 2004) , in: Byzantinische Zeitschrift . 98 (2005) 362-366.

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