Jalla dumosa

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Jalla dumosa
Jalla dumosa

Jalla dumosa

Partial order : Pentatomomorpha
Superfamily : Pentatomoidea
Family : Stink bugs (Pentatomidae)
Subfamily : Asopinae
Genre : Yeah
Type : Jalla dumosa
Scientific name
Jalla dumosa
( Linnaeus , 1758)
Nymph of Jalla Dumosa

Jalla dumosa , also known as the silver pearl bug, is a species of bug from the subfamily Asopinae , which belongs to the family of stink bugs (Pentatomidae).


The oval-shaped bugs reach a size of 12 to 15 millimeters. Its brown surface shows numerous black pigments. A yellow or reddish line drawing that runs over the head, pronotum and shield is characteristic of the bug species. There is also a large yellow to reddish spot at the base of the label on either side. The black legs have a yellow or reddish colored central part of the femora . The nymphs are dark blue to black and have a red or pink abdomen.


The species occurs in the Palearctic . Jalla dumosa is widespread in Europe. It is not common in Germany. It is absent on the Mediterranean islands, Norway, Iceland and Ireland. So far there is no evidence from Albania and Andorra.

Way of life

The bug species Jalla dumosa prefers dry, warm to partially shaded locations. It usually stays on the ground or in the herb layer . The bugs predatorily feed on various arthropods such as caterpillars, whose body sap they suck out with the help of their proboscis.

The bug species occurs one generation per year. The adult bugs mate and lay eggs in spring. From August the new generation will fly, which will then overwinter as Imago.


The following synonyms are known from the literature :

  • Cimex dumosa Linnaeus , 1758

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e silver pearl bug . insect box. Retrieved January 1, 2017.
  2. a b Jalla dumosa at Fauna Europaea. Retrieved July 30, 2017

Web links

Commons : Jalla dumosa  - collection of images, videos and audio files