Iambic four-lifter

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The iambic Four Jacks (also rising four-stroke ) is in the prosody of languages with accentuating Versprinzip such as the German one of four iambic Versfüßen existing meter . After the iambic five-key word, it is one of the most common verse forms in these languages.

The scheme is in metric notation

◡ — ˌ◡ — ˌ◡ — ˌ◡—

and in hypercatalectically extended form:

◡ — ˌ◡ — ˌ◡ — ˌ◡ — ˌ◡

The meter, which is not widely discussed in literature, owes its importance and dissemination to the fact that it is the meter of numerous stanzas that are important in literary history and popular up to modern times. These include:
