James Ferguson (astronomer, 1710)

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James Ferguson

James Ferguson (born April 25, 1710 in Keith , Banff , †  November 16, 1776 in Edinburgh ) was a Scottish astronomer and mechanic .


In his youth, Ferguson looked after the sheep that belonged to his family and only found the opportunity for his own scientific occupation when he was able to make a living through portraiture .

His main work is the Astronomy explained upon Sir Isaac Newton's principles (London 1756). His Selected mechanical exercises (London 1773) contain an autobiography .

In 1770 he was elected a member of the American Philosophical Society .


Web links

Commons : James Ferguson  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files
Wikisource: James Ferguson  - Sources and full texts

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Member History: James Ferguson. American Philosophical Society, accessed August 4, 2018 .