Jan Dziedziczak

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Jan Dziedziczak (2014)

Jan Michał Dziedziczak (born August 3, 1981 in Warsaw ) is a Polish politician , since 2007 a member of the Sejm in the VI . Jarosław Kaczyński government's electoral term and press spokesman .

He finished his studies at the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science of the University of Warsaw , during his studies he was active in the student administration of the Institute of Political Science of the University of Warsaw.

In 2005 he was a fellow of the Japanese government and the United Nations University in Tokyo . As part of this scholarship, he took a course in information policy in the media on public television in Japan, Australia and New Zealand .

He was press assistant to the chairman of the Prawo i Sprawiedliwość party (Law and Justice - PiS) Jarosław Kaczyński , where he was responsible for shaping his media image. From July 14, 2006 to November 4, 2007, he was the press spokesman for Jarosław Kaczyński's government.

In the parliamentary elections in 2007 he was elected to the Sejm with 24,809 votes on the list of the PiS for the constituency 36 Kalisz . He is a member of the Sejm commissions for culture and media as well as the connection with the Polonia abroad .

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