Jan Vitovec

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Jan Vitovec ze Hrebene (also called Jan Vitovec Grebengradski , Jan Vitovec de Gereben , Hans von Witowec / Wittowezc / Wittobecz , Ivan Bitovec , Jan Bitovac ; * in South Bohemia , † around 1468 in Croatia ) came from poor Czech nobility (Slavig) in South Bohemia and, like many of his fellow countrymen, hired himself out in foreign services. At the time of the Hussite upheavals around 1434, he signed up as a mercenary at the court of the imperial counts Cilli (Celsky). It did not take long before he was recognized by his military achievements and as a good strategist under the then celebrated military leader Jan Jiskra von Brändisy . For the Cilli he won the battle of Uhri in 1441 and the great battle of Pokroc (Pngraz) in 1445 , where he lost one eye. After the death of the last offspring of the house of Cilli, Ulrich II. , His widow came under the protection of Vitovec, who defended the interests of the countess against Emperor Friedrich III. perceived. In addition to the Cillians, he also served Emperor Friedrich III. and was rewarded by him for his services in the Cillier War of Succession ( Peace of Pusarnitz ) with castle and rule Sternberg and the title of baron. He was also a vassal of King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary. As a respected Count, Baron and Banus , he died between 1468 and 1469. He left a wife, née. von Weißpriach , three sons Georg, William, Jan and a daughter, who later became Countess of Montfort .


  • Franz von KronesWitowec, Hans von . In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Volume 43, Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1898, pp. 564-568.
  • Paul-Joachim Heinig: Emperor Friedrich III. (1440-1493). Court, government, politics (= research on the imperial and papal history of the Middle Ages. Vol. 17). 3 volumes, Böhlau, Cologne 1997, ISBN 3-412-15595-0 (at the same time: Gießen, Universität, habilitation paper, 1993), part 1, p. 228f.
  • Janez Mlinar: Vitovec, Jan . In: Josip Vidmar et al. (Ed.): Enciklopedija Slovenije . Volume 14: U - We . Mladinska Knjiga, Ljubljana 2000, ISBN 86-11-15365-0 , p. 278.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Jan Vitovec , Hrvatska enciklopedija, LZMK. Pristupljeno 29. svibnja 2016.
  2. ^ Mladen Švab (1989): Celjski, Ulrik II (Ulrich, Ulrih) , Hrvatski biografski leksikon LZMK. Pristupljeno 31. svibnja 2016.