Counts of Sternberg

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Sterberg ruins and church around 1850
Overbuilt family castle in Sternberg
Sternberg Church

The Counts of Sternberg , a sideline of the Counts of Heunburg , were an imperial family of Carinthian dynasties that appeared in documents from around 1250 until its extinction in 1330. Their ancestral home was the Sternberg Castle of the same name on a steep hill on the southern foothills of the Ossiacher Tauern , municipality of Wernberg .

The counts carried the rule of Sternberg Heinrich , Duke of Carinthia , and received it back from him as a fief . To the east of the castle, on a hill opposite, the church of St. Georg, founded by the Counts of Sternberg, first mentioned in a document in 1285. Walter, the last male member of the family, sold Sternberg to Count Meinhard von Ortenburg . The Counts of Sternberg are considered the founders of Landskron . In the dispute between the King of Bohemia Ottokar II. Przemysl and Philipp von Spanheim (1247–1256 Elect - Archbishop of Salzburg , 1269–1273 Patriarch of Aquileia and 1275–1279 Titular Duke of Carinthia) in the years 1269–1271, like many others Carinthian dynasties as well as the bishops of Gurk and Bamberg , also the counts of Sternberg the party of Bohemia.

Emperor Friedrich III. awarded after the reversion of Ortenburg and Cilli the castle Sternberg with the title of Baron von Sternberg in 1459 the former captain of the Counts of Cilli, Johann Wittovitz ( January Vitovec of Hreben - Bohemian origin), the fighting over the legacy of extinct Counts von Cilli (1456) had initially been an opponent of the emperor and had represented the interests of the last Countess von Cilli (Katharina Brankovič ), but then switched sides several times. During this time, Sternberg Castle was razed to the ground.

The Count Sternberg , who are still resident in Silesia today, consider themselves to be related.

coat of arms

Three eight-pointed golden stars (2,1) in the red shield , similar to the coat of arms of the Counts of Heunburg , who had three eight-pointed golden stars in the blue shield. Jan Vitovec, who came from Bohemia, was raised to the rank of baron and rewarded with the von Sternberg coat of arms for services rendered to Kaiser Friedrich.


Like many other dynasties, the Counts of Sternberg had fiefs of the Salzburg diocese .

In Carinthia

  • The allodes of the counts stretched northwest of Velden along the Wörthersee.
  • Reign paternion

In Carniola

  • Görtschach - Goričane, 14th century
  • Areas around the present day Lož (Laas) in Inner Carniola


  • Majda Smole: Graščine na nekdanjem Kranjskem (Lords and Gülten in the former Carniola), Ljubljana 1982
  • Marijan Zadnikar : Med umetnostnimi spomeniki na slovenskem Koroškem (Among the art monuments in the Slovenian-populated part of Carinthia), Celje 1979
  • A. Weiß: Carinthian nobility up to 1300, Vienna 1869
  • Claudia Fräss-Ehrfeld : History of Carinthia (3 volumes). Johannes Heyn publishing house, Klagenfurt 1984-2005
  • Joseph Wartinger : Brief History of Styria , Grätz 1815