Japanese Athletics Federation

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The Japanese Athletics Federation ( Japanese 日本 陸上 競技 連 盟 , Nihon rikujō kyōgi renmei, Nihon Rikuren for short ; English Japan Association of Athletics Federations, JAAF for short ) is the national athletics federation of Japan . It was founded in 1929 and is now organized as a foundation ( zaidan hōjin, approved 1971) based in Shibuya , Tokyo Prefecture . Hiroshi Yokokawa has been President of the Rikuren since 2013 .



In addition to the national athletics championships - also for elementary, middle and high schools - the JAAF organizes, among other things, the national prefecture competitions in Ekiden and various road races .

Web links


  1. ^ JAAF: Organization
  2. ^ JAAF: Chronicle of Japan Association of Athletics Federations