Jaroslav Vlček

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Jaroslav Vlček

Jaroslav Vlček (born January 22, 1860 in Banská Bystrica , † January 21, 1930 in Prague ) was a Czechoslovak literary historian.


The son of a Czech high school professor moved to Prague soon after he was born. There he attended elementary school. After the death of his father, he returned to Banská Bystrica with his Slovak mother, where he graduated from high school in 1878. This was followed by studies at the Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague . During his studies, he and other students founded the Detvan student association, of which he became the first chairman. In 1882 he accepted the post of high school professor in Brno . In 1901 he was appointed a member of the Royal Scientific Association and made a professorship in Prague. In 1924 he was accepted as a corresponding member of the then Soviet Academy of Sciences .


Vlček wrote literary reviews and articles on literary history for numerous magazines. His works are heavily influenced by positivism .

  • Přehled dějin literatury české
  • Literatura na Slovensku, její vznik, rozvoj, význam a úspěchy
  • Dejiny literatúry slovenskej
  • První novočeská škola básnická
  • Dějiny české literatury

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Foreign members of the Russian Academy of Sciences since 1724. Jaroslav Vlček. Russian Academy of Sciences, accessed August 12, 2015 (in Russian).