Jason Hamutenya Ndadi

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Jason Hamutenya Ndadi (* 1926 in Ouhongo , South West Africa , today Namibia ; † 1977 in Angola ), known by his battle name Wanahepo , was a Namibian liberation fighter and in 1959 co-founded the Ovamboland People's Organization (OPO), the predecessor organization of SWAPO .

Hamutenya died in a traffic accident and was first buried in the Hainyeko Training Center cemetery not far from Lubango in Angola . A reburial took place in 2005. Ndadi found his final resting place on May 6, 2005 in Ouhongo .

A street in Windhoek was named after Ndadi in 2007.

Literature and films

  • Tshoombe Ndadi: Wanehepo: a biography of late Comrade Jason Hamutenya Ndadi (Wanehepo) 1926-1977. Brighton Polytechnic, 1985. ( Book details )
  • Per Sanden: Wanahepo. , Namibia 2006, 57 minutes. ( More information about the film )

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Reginald Walker Renamed after Wanehepo. New Era, November 6, 2007.