Fight name

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A battle name (French: nom de guerre ) is a pseudonym that a political or military leader takes on or is assigned to in order to establish or increase an identification with himself or the goals of the movement for which he is fighting. Many boxers also have fight names under which they enter the ring, for example the fight name of Wladimir Klitschko Dr. Steelhammer . In Japanese martial arts , too, there has long been a tradition of using Bugō ( yes: 武 号 = warrior name ).


Examples of battle names from past and present are among many others:

Mahsum Korkmaz , first commander of the Kurdish resistance organization PKK , played a leading role in planning and executing the start of the PKK's armed struggle against Turkey on August 15, 1984.
Abdullah Öcalan , party leader of the Kurdish Workers' Party PKK. His battle name means "uncle" and is intended to illustrate his closeness to the Kurdish people.
Willy Brandt
Herbert Ernst Karl Frahm, fourth Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, took over the battle name since 1933 with the task in Oslo of building a resistance cell of the Socialist Workers' Party of Germany (SAPD) against the rule of National Socialism. Winner of the Nobel Peace Prize in 1971.
Commander Robot
Ghalib Andang (first name also: Galib) was a member of the Islamist terrorist organization Abu Sajaf in the Philippines .
Kaing Guek Eav or Kang Kek Iew or Kaing Kek Iev (born November 17, 1942) was the head of torture of the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia from 1976 to 1979 and head of the notorious torture camp "Security Office" S-21 ( Tuol Sleng ) in Phnom Penh and is responsible for the death of around 16,000 of his compatriots. Its onomatopoeic battle name - pronounced "Doik" - is said to reflect the sound of a dying animal. Since February 17, 2009, Kaing Guek Eav had to answer before the genocide tribunal ( Khmer Rouge Tribunal ) in Phnom Penh, which was set up with the support of the United Nations and was sentenced to life imprisonment in February 2012.
El Cid
The Lord - Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar , Castilian military leader and Spanish national hero
(it. = the spotted cat) - nickname of the Italian condottiere Erasmo di Narni, which alludes to the devious character of the Venetian mercenary leader.
Ho Chi Minh
Who brings enlightenment - Nguyen Sinh Cung , Vietnamese revolutionary and President of North Vietnam .
Kim Il-sung
The Sun - Kim Song-chu , dictator of North Korea from 1945 to 1994. He wanted to highlight his heroic deeds in the communist partisan movement.
The von der Lena - Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov, revolutionary and communist leader in Russia and founder of the Soviet Union . Lenin was temporarily banished to the Lena in Siberia under the last tsar , which should be expressed in the battle name as a merit for the cause.
Pole pot
Saloth Sar , "Brother Number One" (1925–1998), was Prime Minister of the Khmer Rouge government in Cambodia from 1976 to 1979 and was responsible for the deaths of more than 1.7 million of his compatriots during this time.
The combative Pushpa Kamal Dahal , Maoist partisan leader and Prime Minister of Nepal .
Presidente Gonzalo
as much as President Hans - Abimael Guzmán , leader of the radical Maoist guerrilla movement Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) in Peru . The designation as 'President' in connection with any common name is intended to anticipate the aim of the struggle, namely the desired takeover of power as President of the People.
The steely man - Yossif Vissarionovich Dschugashvili , dictator of the Soviet Union from 1924 until his death in 1953. Stalin wanted to use his battle name to emphasize his hardness and uncompromising attitude in the fight for Bolshevism.
Subcomandante Marcos
Name unknown, the title "Unterkommandant" and the masking should symbolize that the Zapatistas operate free of hierarchies and that no one has a special position. According to other interpretations, the title should suggest that the actual Comandante Emiliano Zapata is still alive and in command.
Spanish for Safe Shot Manuel Marulanda , leader of the FARC ( Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia , Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia), a rebel movement in Colombia. The popular nickname is intended to underline the fighting power and determined determination of the named.
possibly after the Soviet type TT-30 pistol - Josip Broz , Yugoslav resistance fighter and President of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia .
after the supervisor of the Odessa prison - Lev Dawidowitsch Bronstein , Soviet revolutionary, Marxist theorist and founder of the Red Army . With this choice of name Bronstein wanted to express his penchant for irony.

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: battle name  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. 古武術天心流兵法【公式】: 実名敬避俗の文化が廃れた後,武家社会の名残として武術界隈では「武号」などとして諱に変わって名を付けている流儀があり( Even after When the culture of avoidance of real names (Jitsumei-keihizoku) was abolished, it was common in the martial arts community, as a remnant of samurai society, to use a Bugō in place of its real name ) ( yes ) February 11, 2018. May 2019.