Jazz time

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Jazz time
description Swiss magazine
Area of ​​Expertise Jazz and blues
language German, (individual, articles, French)
publishing company Jazztime AG (Switzerland)
Headquarters Wettingen AG
First edition March 1981
Frequency of publication per month
Editor-in-chief Fabrice Mueller
editor Adrian Keller
executive Director Adrian Keller
Web link www.jazztime.swiss

Jazztime is a Swiss magazine that deals with the topics of jazz and blues . It publishes an extensive calendar of events in this area of ​​music every month for Switzerland and other countries close to the border, as well as band portraits in the “A to Z” category and information on CD innovations.

Jazztime reports regularly on the Swiss music academies and is also used by organizers to organize programs.

In November 2018, Jazztime introduced a new layout and the Swiss Jazz & Blues Card , with which subscribers receive discounts at events.

Jazztime , together with the magazine Jazz'n'more and other initiators, is involved in a petition against the abolition of SRF- themed radios for reasons of economy.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d team. In: Jazztime website .
  2. Fabrice Müller: Bern is the best city for jazz. In: Jazztime. July 2007, p. 8 (interview with Stewy von Wattenwyl ; archived on the website of the Swiss Jazz School ; PDF; 2.3 MB).
  3. Tiengen's old town becomes a stage. In: Badische Zeitung . July 18, 2013 (Quote: "When choosing artists and bands, I often take inspiration from the Swiss magazine Jazztime," reveals Reckermann.)
  4. Jazztime November. Jazztime website .
  5. Hands off the specialty radios. In: Swiss music newspaper . March 11, 2017.