Jean-Baptiste-Frézal Charbonnier

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Jean-Baptiste Charbonnier

Jean-Baptiste-Frézal Charbonnier (born May 20, 1842 in La Canourgue , France , † March 16, 1888 in Karema ) was a Catholic clergyman from France. He was a member of the White Fathers , Missionary and Vicar Apostolic of Tanganyika , Tanzania .


On May 22, 1869, Charbonnier was ordained a priest for the White Fathers. Between 1880 and 1885 he was Vicar General of the White Fathers. On October 3, 1884, the White Fathers proposed Charbonnier as Vicar Apostolic of Tanganyika. On January 14th, 1887 the Pope appointed Vicar Apostolic of Tanganyika and Titular Bishop of Utica . The consecration took place on August 24, 1887 in Kipalapala by Léon-Antoine-Augustin-Siméon Livinhac . He was the first bishop to be ordained in equatorial Africa.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Bishop Jean-Baptiste-Frézal Charbonnier. Catholic-Hierarchy, accessed November 15, 2019 .
  2. Le royaume chrétien de Mpala 1887-1893. Archived from the original on November 17, 2011 ; accessed on November 15, 2019 (French, original website no longer available).
  3. Annales de la propagation de la foi: recueil périodique des lettres des évêques et des missionnaires des missions des deux mondes, et de tous les documents relatifs aux missions et à l'Oeuvre de la propagation de la foi . Oeuvre de la propagation de la foi, 1889 (French, [accessed November 15, 2019]).
  5. Seeley, Jackson & Halliday: Church Missionary Intelligencer and Record . 1884 (English, [accessed November 15, 2019]).