Jean-Baptiste Baudoin

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Jean-Baptiste Baudoin (born January 11, 1831 in Juniville , France , † November 15, 1875 ibid) was a French Catholic priest and missionary in Iceland .


Baudoin and his compatriot Bernard Bernard (1821–1895) were the first Catholic priests to reach Iceland after the Reformation . They arrived there in 1857 (Bernard) and 1858 (Baudoin) as part of the North Pole Mission (1855–1869) and built a small chapel in 1864 on the Landakot farm near Reykjavík, which they acquired in 1859 . All in all, however, they and their project had a more than problematic state and while Bernard left the country in 1862, Baudoin stayed until 1875 without any major successes.

Baudoin fought in Iceland all his life against polemics and hostility towards the Catholic Church. In addition to numerous articles in magazines and newspapers, he also wrote several (smaller) books in Icelandic (see the bibliography below), for example the pamphlet entitled Jesus Christ is God, despite the objection of Magnús Eiríksson (1867). which was aimed at a book by the Icelandic theologian Magnús Eiríksson , who lives in Copenhagen , entitled Is the Gospel of John an apostolic and genuine gospel and is his doctrine of the Incarnation of God a true and Christian doctrine? A religious-dogmatic, historical-critical investigation (1863).

Major works

  • Útskýring um trú katólsku kirkjunnar í þeim trúaratriðum, þar sem ágreiningr er milli hennar og mótmælenda , Reykjavík 1865.
  • [Anonymous], Svar hinna katólsku presta upp á 1. bréfið frá París eptir Eirík Magnússon. Hvað segir sagan um Parísarbréfið? , Reykjavík 1866.
  • Jesús Kristr er guð. Þrátt fyrir mótmæli herra Magnúsar Eiríkssonar , Reykjavík 1867.
  • [Anonymous], Er það satt eðr ósatt, sem hra Jónas Guðmundsson segir um bækling in front: "Jesús Kristr er Guð" os frv.? , Reykjavík 1867.
  • Til Íslendinga: um Lestrarbók handa alþýðu, eftir séra Þórarinn Böðvarsson . Reykjavík 1875.

See also


  • Gunnar F. Guðmundsson, Kaþólskt trúboð á Íslandi 1857-1875 , Reykjavík: Sagnfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands 1987.
  • St. Ansgar. Yearbook of the St. Ansgarius work , Cologne 1983, pp. 70-81.
  • Alois Arnstein Brodersen, The North Pole Mission. A contribution to the history of Catholic missions in the Nordic countries in the 19th century , Münster 2006, pp. 48-54.

Individual evidence

  1. Cf. Gunnar F. Guðmundsson, Kaþólskt trúboð á Íslandi 1857-1875 , Reykjavík: Sagnfræðistofnun Háskóla Íslands 1987.
  2. Icelandic: Jesús Kristr er guð þrátt fyrir mótmæli Magnúsar Eiríkssonar , Reykjavík 1867.
  3. Danish: Er Johannes-Evangeliet et apostolisk og ægte Evangelium og er dets Lære om Guds Menneskevorden en sand og Christian Lære? En Religøs-dogmatisk, historisk-kritisk Undersøgelse , Copenhagen 1863; Icelandic: Jóhannesar guðspjall og Lærdómur kirkjunnar um guð, nokkrar athugasemdir til yfirvegunar Þeim Íslendíngum, sem ekki vilja svívirða og lasta guð með trú sinni , Copenhagen was published under the title Reykkasudí , under the title of Sirk Nokia ”Fyrir guðdómi Jesú Krists , Copenhagen 1868.