Jean-Baptiste Janson

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Jean-Baptiste-Aimé-Joseph Janson (born March 9, 1742 in Valenciennes , † September 2, 1803 in Paris ) was a French cellist and classical composer .


Jean-Baptiste Janson was a student of Martin Berteau . His first appearances at the Concert spirituel were on March 23, 25 and 29, 1755 when he was 13 years old. At the age of 22 he got a job in the private orchestra of Prince Conti . From 1766 to 1771 he went on several art trips as a companion of Karl Wilhelm von Braunschweig , including to Italy. During this time Janson was able to improve his playing technique considerably. In 1783 he traveled to Germany, where he performed in Hamburg. From there he traveled on to Denmark, Sweden and Poland. In 1787 he was back in Paris and a year later became surintendant de la musique de Monsieur , who later became King Louis XVIII. In September 1795 he was appointed first cello professor at the Paris Conservatory ; but no longer employed in 1802 as a result of a reorganization.

Janson, along with his teacher Martin Berteau, the brothers Jean-Pierre and Jean-Louis Duport, was one of the most important French classical cellists.

His younger brother Louis-Auguste-Joseph Janson (1749–1815) was also a well-known cellist who left his own compositions.

Works (selection)

  • Six Sonates à violoncelle et basse Op. 1 (Paris, self-published, 1765)
  • Six Sonates à violoncelle et basse Op. 2 (Paris, La Chevadière, 1768)
  • Trois Concertos à violoncelle et basse (Op. 3)
  • Six Sonates pour le violoncelle et la basse Op. 4 (1774)
  • Six Trios for 2 violons et violoncelle obligé Op. 5 (1777)
  • Six Concertos pour le violoncelle à grand orchester Op. 6 (1780)
  • Six Quatuors concertans pour 2 violons, alto et violoncelle Op. 7th
  • Trois Quatuors concertans pour 2 violons, alto et violoncelle Op. 8 (1784)
  • Trois Symphonies à grand orchester (Paris, Leduc, 1785)
  • Fair Solenelle d'action de grâce (1789)
  • Te Deum (1789)
  • Six Nouveaux Concertos à grand orchester pour le violoncelle Op. 15 (1799)


  • Sylvette Milliot: Le violoncelle en France from XVIIIe siècle. Édition Champion-Slatkine, Paris 1985, ISBN 2-05-100690-3 . (Dissertation Université Sorbonne 1981)

Individual evidence

  1. Fétis; Biography universelle des musiciens et bibliographie générale de la musique (1866)