Jean-Baptiste Morin (composer)

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Jean-Baptiste Morin (born February 2, 1677 in Orléans , † April 27, 1745 in Paris ) was a French composer of the Baroque period who is considered a creator of the secular French cantata .


Jean-Baptiste Morin made his musical training from around 1683 or 1685, as a choirboy at the collegiate church of Saint-Aignan in Orléans , under the conductor and canon Olivier Trembloit (around 1638-1712). After this time, from around 1698 onwards, he lived in Paris and was possibly active as a chorister in the Saint-André-des-Arts church . From 1701 he was "Ordinaire de la Musique" at the court of Duke Philippe II of Orléans , who later became the French regent. In Paris, he met the parliamentary councilor, poet and music lover Jean Serré de Rieux (1668–1747). In 1719, Morin was appointed chaplain and chamberlain to the newly appointed Abbess of Chelles , Louise-Adélaïde d'Orléans (1698–1743), daughter of Philip II. From December 21, 1722, he was "Chevalier servant de l'Ordre de Saint-Lazare" , to which the composers Charles-Hubert Gervais and André Campra belong from 1724 and (for Campra) from 1726. From 1731 Morin lived in Paris near the Palais-Royal in the rue des Bons-Enfants, together with the harpsichordist and composer Toussaint Bertin de la Doué and his family.


Numerous works originate from Morin's pen, including two volumes with one to two-part small motets (1704 and 1709) and three volumes with one to three-part French cantatas "Cantate françoise" (1706, 1707 and 1712), which he mixed in what is known as " Style ”or“ les goûts réunis ”: in this French elements mix with the Italian style. In the preface to the 1706 edition of the cantatas, Morin described his efforts in this regard. From around 1707 the French style took a more important place in his works.

In his most famous work, the divertissement “ La Chasse du Cerf ”, with a libretto by Serré de Rieux (performed in October 1707 for the Princess de Conti, also on August 25, 1708 in Fontainebleau before Louis XIV.) Morin used several well-known hunting motifs ( La Dampierre , La Sourcillade ). Joseph Haydn used one of these themes in his 73rd Symphony.


  • Alfred Baumgartner: Propylaea World of Music - The Composers - A lexicon in five volumes . Propylaen Verlag, Berlin 1989, ISBN 3-549-07830-7 , pp. 85/86, volume 4 .

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