Jean-Baptiste de Tillier

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Jean-Baptiste de Tillier

Jean-Baptiste de Tillier (born June 24, 1678 in Aosta ; † March 11, 1744 ibid) was a civil servant and historian of the Duchy of Aosta .


Jean-Baptiste de Tillier came from a noble family in the Aosta Valley . His father was Jean-Michel de Tillier von Fénis , a judge in Quart , his mother Anne-Marie Derriard, daughter of the Vogteileutnants Sulpice Derriard in Aosta. He attended secondary school in Aosta and studied in Savoy and Valence , where he was admitted to the bar.

In 1700 he succeeded his late uncle Eugène-Gaspard de Tillier as Secretary of State of the Duchy of Aosta. In 1743 his eldest son François-Antoine-Gaspard de Tillier was appointed as his deputy and successor.

He was married from 1702 to Claudine-Juliane de Cheriete, who died in 1712, and in his second marriage from 1722 to Szuanne Françoise Sarriod.

Monument to Jean-Baptiste de Tillier on Albert Deffeyes square in front of the Aosta Valley Regional Council building, in the center of Aosta

The historian

Jean-Baptiste de Tillier appeared as an early historian of the Aosta region. With his writings he sought to underpin the special constitutional position of the Aosta Valley and to differentiate it from the centralization tendencies of the Sardinian royal administration in Turin . He published numerous historical sources from the regional archives and thus passed on a lot of information from documents that are not available today. The volumes of the Recueil des lettres contain the most important files of the correspondence of the state government from the 16th to the early 18th century. With the volumes Recueil ou dissertation historique et géographique sur la Vallée et Duché d'Aoste, Traité historique des maisons et familles du Duche d'Aoste and Chronologies des évêques, prévôts, archidiacres, gouverneurs du Duché d'Aoste, vi-baillifs, syndics d'Aoste jusqu'au XVIIIe siècle founded Tillier the critical and scientific historiography in the Duchy of Aosta.

Tillier's collective publication with the historical letters of freedom and privileges - the franchises - of the Aosta Valley and the municipalities particularly aroused the resentment of the royal central administration. Joseph-Gabriel Rivolin quotes after François-Gabriel Frutaz from a remarkable note from the General Procurator Jean-François Maistre of 1747 to the government of Aosta with the request to withdraw from the circulation the writing that is harmful from the point of view of the reasons of state in Turin: «Le manuscrit de M. de Tillier, contenant l'histoire de la Vallée d'Aoste, est propre à fomenter l'esprit d'indépendance parmi ces populations. Il n'est donc pas convenable de le laisser lire, et pour cela faites disparaître le plus possible toutes les copies de ce manuscrit. » As Rivolin emphasizes, the books of the historian Jean-Baptiste de Tillier with their various new editions have become a basis for regional self-confidence and the drive for autonomy in the Aosta Valley in the centuries that followed.

Jean-Baptiste de Tillier's works are written in French, which has been the official language of the Aosta Valley since 1561.

A street in the old town of Aosta and a study center for history in the city are named after the politician and historian.


  • Inventaire des Archives du Duché d'Aoste. 1719.
  • Recueils de franchises. Three volumes, 1725 to 1734.
  • Recueil des lettres. 1730 to 1733.
  • Recueil des infeudations. 1728.
  • Recueil d'instruction. 1730.
  • Recueil des conseils généraux. 1736.
  • Registres des suppliques.
  • Recueil ou dissertation historique et geographique sur la Vallée et Duché d'Aoste. 1742.
  • Traité historique des maisons et familles du Duche d'Aoste. New edition 1970.
  • Chronologies des évêques, prévôts, archidiacres, gouverneurs du Duché d'Aoste, vi-baillifs, syndics d'Aoste jusqu'au XVIIIe siècle.


  • Joseph-Marie Henry: Histoire populaire religieuse et civile de la Vallée d'Aoste. Aosta 1929.
  • François-Gabriel Frutaz: Jean-Baptiste de Tillier et ses travaux historiques. In: Bulletin de l'Académie Saint-Anselme, 29, Aosta 1951.
  • Joseph-Gabriel Rivolin: Un saintcrétoblain intermittent: Jean-Baptiste de Tillier. In: Saint-Christophe. n.d., pp. 62-65.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Albert Deffeyes was a co-founder of the political party Union Valdôtaine .
  2. Joseph-Gabriel Rivolin: Un saintcrétoblain intermittent: Jean-Baptiste de Tillier, p. 63.
  3. Joseph-Gabriel Rivolin: Un saintcrétoblain intermittent: Jean-Baptiste de Tillier, p. 65.
  4. ^ Center d'études De Tillier